View Full Version : ????

Feb 11, 2005, 02:50 AM

What is up with people these days. One day everyone is nice, and happy to see you and the next....not a single person will evan look at you...best friends to strangers.

People ane so fucked up. I mean I have no problem with half of them but they all seam to have something against me. Have one bad relationship and things turn to shit. It pisses me off too. The one realationship that I have ever hade that I actuall didnt do anything wrong or too drastic and the whole world thinks im a dick...

Its okay though because for ever friend ship that I ruin somehow gets replaced...

New loves come in to my life and now im to scared to get serios because I might fuck it up somehow. It is just hard to figure out what you girls want from me... they all want differeint things. some want sex, some want some one to talk to and others just are lonely... I have no problem filling in for those voids because I have my entire life, but figuring out which of these they want is tough. If I fuck this last one up, the one person I have known forever, will it be the last. or is she just some one to fill the time.... I dont think so.

Im I that to her? Or does she like me as much as I like her??? She likes spending time with me... staying at my place and going to dinner and movies... but hmmmmm.... Getting older, but not that old, how manny are left... I really think I might love her..... Would that scare her off??? We both dont depend on each other, is that a bad thing, will we depend on each other later. Am I stopping my self on keeping my self normal and just having a good time.

Is it alright to be in love but not having too serions of a relationship.... Will the relationship grow closer or further apart.

Sorry for this...just had to get it out. Its haard to talk to people about too serios of things where I live.

Just ranting......