View Full Version : Errrghh...this...this "associate" of mine

Jul 16, 2005, 03:25 PM
I have this friend, well really associate, and i've known him since 6th grade but lately hes just really starting to piss me off.

1. He brags about how rich he is. He claims he has like 50 thousand bucks in his acount. Not only that but he says that in Mexico(hes mexican) he owns a bunch of land. He claims that he gets paid 15 dollars an hour at his job, Sears Potrait studio, becase hes bilingual.(kinda unfair). I did one time see him pull out a bunch of 100 dollar bills at school but WAIT lemme get to the best part, he lives in a trailer and its not all that great looking. Now if hes able to get that much money then why don't he move into a house or apartment?

That area is cruddy looking. Oh yeah he says he has a one thousand dollar versachi suite, owns 4 cars.(never saw em) If you can remember, i ranted about him before when we went to the water park.

2. He brags about how old he is. He claims that when he came to America, during the whole legal citizen stuff, he put that hes a year younger than his actual age. This may be true but it gets on my nerves hearing him brag about how hes ONE freakin year older than me like some little kid.

3. He does things just to do it. One time we were in the library and i was telling him how i hate how everyones wearing american eagle at our school.(At that time i wore a lot of american eagle shirts over my long sleeved shirts)I was looking for another clothing store that wasn't in our town and eventually i showed him armani exchange. I showed him a shirt that i liked but i couldn't get it because I didn't have money.

Well 2 weeks later I see him in the same exact shirt bragging how he was able to afford it. I wanted to tell him that Armani exchange is not an expensive store. Its just like the gap. Anways i think he got what he deserved because everyone teased him about the shirt. You see the shirts at armani ex. are...how can i say this....well they have the whole style of american eagle which means the shirts are almost like muscle shirts and my friend Roldan is fat so it didn't really look right with his bely hanging out.

4. Hes jealous. I told you once about the incident at the water park. I don't want to sound big headed or like an ego freak but i'm not even tring to act like anything. I just act like me. I often catch him just staring at me. One time he called me ugly. When he said that i just laughed because hearing that come from someone that girls run away from( for real they actually run away) and thats never been complimented on how he look just made me laugh.

I know i'm not dead sexy but i'm far from ugly. Not only that but he often makes some of the childish comments. One time we were over a friends house and he was making dip. He couldn't get the salsa jar open so he passed it to me but i couldn't get it open so i passsed it to my "associate" and he got it open. For about 2 months he brought up this incident saying how weak i was. Whoopdee dooo, you can open a jar of salsa, lets all fall on our knees and praise you!

5. In school I usually dress with a shirt over my long sleeved shirt and i always wear shorts along with one of my 5 NBA Lakers hat. Now when i met this kid in 6th grade he use to ALWAYS talk BAAAAD about the way i dressed.(He said i dressed poor) (And he use to go to people and talk about my clothes to them) Now from 8th grade till now He dresses the same way i do. He even wears a Lakers Hat!

One day he called me asking what i was gonna wear the next day to school.(At first i thought he was crazy) but anyways i told him what i was gonna wear(i felt dumb sitting on a phone with a guy talking about what i was gonna wear) but little did i know he actually went to the store and bought the exact same outfit i bought and then he had the nerve to say i copied off of him.(Remember, i use to dress poor)

I know its minor but when you deal with someone who brags about everything he owns, it will drive you crazy. Deep down inside i know he has low self esteem but you should be proud of who you are, regardless of race, class, looks, or even weight.

He calls me 24/7 telling me who all he hung out with and how drunk he got and where he was. He acts so funky too. We went to the movies to see Guess Who and the whole time he acted like he didn't want to be there.(He invited himself) Then when we're leaving he says in a snobby way, "Look, I'm gonna have to drop you off, cuz i got to go to the club".

First of all i was like you didn't have to come nor offer me a ride. Then i knew he wasn't going to no club because curfew in my town is 12 a.m and it was 11:40 something. Not only that but their ARE NO clubs in my town that you can go to unless your 21 and over.

Now i'm about to get a bit touchy. No offense to anyone mexican or hispanic but he brags ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME of how mexicans are better than anyone else. Now i'm all for having pride in your race. I even plan on being a civil rights activist but you don't see me going around the whole flukin(i mispelled that on purpose) school braggin about my race.

Not only that but hes a back stabber. He talks about folks behind their backs he even tries to get me to talk about certain people.

Me and my best friend had got into a big fight. For a year we didn't speak. Eventually i got tired of it and i was tellin the "associate" that i was gonna apologize to my old friend. When i said that he started bringing up a bunch of dirt of what my old friend had said about me. I still apologized and we talk till this day but one day my "associate" came up to me saying "Be careful, you can't trust him." Hes a big instigator.

Well today when we was playing our daily super smash bros. My mom sensed something was on my mind (I was kinda letting myself die and i actually was letting her win) so she turned off the game and we talked about this "associate." My mom has her masters in psycology( she use to be under sociology). She told me to just ignore him, that he had low self esteem and yada yada yada.





..FUCK HIS SELF ESTEEM!! If that bitch calls me bragging or teasing me again i'm gon' cuss the bitch out and let him have it!

I'm not a mean person but i'm about to go crazy.

Jul 17, 2005, 04:38 AM
One day you'll be able to look back on this and laugh, hoping you never have to deal with people who irritate you to no end.

This is not saying he is a bad person, this is just saying from what you have written, he irritates you- on purpose.

Eh, you'll have to "bite the bullet," grit/clench your teeth together and smile like there's no tomorrow on this one.

Asking about what you were going to wear the next day, then wearing it and saying you copied him, heh, is very childish. What did he say if you told the same peers he called you the night before, asking what you were going to wear? "Nuh uh! He's lying! I had it first, nuh-uh!" If you had a cell phone call record, or caller ID as proof it would have stopped him dead in his tracks until he came up with something else.

Wow. We can all laugh at this since we are not in your situation, but give you words of support since you are in the situation and suprressing feeling can be unhealthy.

Stay away from him as best you can, don't say anything to him that he will use against you for his own personal gain-evil maniacal plan-whatever. Just stay away. Let him talk. Laugh in his face. Make slight jokes at his expense. Don't let him overwhelm you. Whatever it takes, eh?