View Full Version : How a "People in Cages" thread turned to "The meaning of exi

Oct 18, 2005, 11:06 PM
Tsei: Nice hat. Are you suppose to look like that guy from um... Mortal Kombat? Oh wait.. I dont think he was shirtless

Qrrbrbirbel: I am who i am, which is me, no one else

Zede: What if I am you?

Tsei (To Qrrbrbirbel): Poetic, are you? Yes, yes you are

Qrrbrbirbel: Then there is no me, there is no you, there is only us, which means there can be no individuality in existance, which brings to the question, what is there to live for if one cannot express himself?

uglybstrd777: in that case u destroy the meaning of life but that is the disease of humanity we are so busy trying to be ourselves we fail to realize we are like everyone else, thus their can truelly be no individuality. philosophy is a tricky thing.

Zede (To Qrrbrbirbel):That is it entirely. Life is _expression. How we express ourselves is how we life. There can be no existance without _expression, for how else would we prove our existence? "You," "Me," or "Us" are defined by how we express our relationships to others. Therefore, If I truly wanted to express myself in that manner, I could become you through _expression.

Tsei: :Exceding maximum brain capacity:

Qrrbrbirbel (To bstrd): But that is only true if you know the meaning of life. What is it then, if, even though we busy ourselves, we find individuality through our daily, sometimes monotonous, lives, for there can be no us in todays world.*

KakashiShinobi (To Zede): princess mononoke rules

Ermak(To bstrd): fuckin nice bro

Qrrbrbirbel (To Zede):But you could not be me, because I am expressed through me in my own way, my individuality, thus becoming "one". There is no two.

Zede: Cliche, yes, but today's world is what we make of it. There is no "us' because it's all about "me." The meaning of life is not something that should matter to us. Life itself is the important part. Any meaning we derive from it will only make "living" a condescending experience, a futile effort.**

uglybstrd777(To Qrrbrbirbel): if by monotonous u mean our mundane existence, then we are still like everyone else trying to break out and be something different then society when many people still focus on the mundane things in life, of course many people find their individuality in meditation and zen buddhism, but that is paradoxical to any actual individuality

Tsei (To Zede): You all are reading from a script arent you?

Dj-Wrench (To Zede): Brain hurting information overload

Qrrbrbirbel (To Zede):Exactly what i was trying to say.

uglybstrd777(To Zede):yes that is the problem with human beings everything is always about "me, me, me" but if we truelly wish to break free we must focus on other people by doing this we break our natural human nature which focus's us to think so mundanely**

Zede (To*bstrd):*Then what truly is individuality? Wouldn't it be through our choices that we define who we are (tee hee Matrix)?*

Qrrbrbirbel (To bstrd):You miss my point, for the very "mundane" things that you so categorize as creating the "us" of society, are the very things that make us individual. For even though human alike are very similar, there is at least one thing that sets out one person from another. Whether it's DNA or personality, everyone must be and individual.*

Zede (To bstrd): So, by focusing on "you," humans gain an understanding of "us" and improve "me?"**

Tsei(To Qrrbrbirbel): Life this life that. I, as a buddist tell you to live life as if it were you last day on this planet. Why waste your time thinking about the meaning of life?**

Zede: Exactly!*

iceman-x69 (To no one in particular): i am lonely i thot we get an owner...

Qrrbrbirbel (To Tsei): i say, why ponder this great question when you could get yourself a waffle

uglybstrd777 (To* Zede): no by focusing on "us" we gain understanding of "you" and then can improve "me"**

uglybstrd777(To* Qrrbrbirbel): yes by DNA and other such complex things we are individuals but so often our "personality" is influenced by others so can our personality truelly individual?*

Tsei (To Qrrbrbirbel): Good start.

Zede(To iceman-x69):Ownership is what we make. It is an act of submission, a surrender of free will. So, which are you, masochist, codependent, or weak-minded?

Qrrbrbirbel(to bstrd):But, how can there be "us" without "me" and "you"?**

Tsei (to no one): My brain hurts

Zede(To bstrd):So go big first, then narrow it down... I see.

uglybstrd777 (To Tsei): exactly what type of buddhist are u? true accept life for what it is and dont wish to change it because only by doing this can u accept your suffering in life and live with it and thus be happier but that doesnt answer individuality now does it?**

Zede(To Qrrbrbirbel):You're dealing with origins. Us, Me, and You have already been established, and, in my opinion, are just ways of perceiving oneself and others.**

Qrrbrbirbel (To bstrd):We find the answer in science itself. It so states that opposites attract, and have found this to be proven. This said, there can be no two people who are the same, for they grow up, adopting different "personalities" as you say, though, as they grow, they find their true self along the way, and once that is found, there can be "me". If everyone in the world had no individuality, humans would have gone out of existance millions of years ago.

Zede(To bstrd): So you are an environmental determinist?

Tsei (To bstrd):I'm not religious, I dunno There wouldn't be a need to find individuality if people didn't classify people in the first place.

uglybstrd777( To Qrrbrbirbel):well now that like asking which came first the chicken or the egg?**

uglybstrd777 (To Tsei):wait didn't u just say u were buddhist? which of course i dont really classify as religion more as a way of life**

Qrrbrbirbel (To Tsei):I bow to you, for that is such a great way to put it.**

Zede (To Tsei):But that is a key part of Humanity, our ability to judge and classify. We know right and wrong because of our judgement, and our sciences are based on classifications.**

Qrrbrbirbel (To bstrd):Exactly why this is so fun to ponder.**

uglybstrd (To Zede):sorry but i have no idea what that is**

Tsei (To bstrd):I am, but I dont follow in most practices. I go to temple and light inscents on full moons..**

uglybstrd777(to Qrrbrbirbel):yeah and exactly why this kinda subject keeps me up at night.

Qrrbrbirbel:bstrd, you never replied to my rebuttle.i think its on page 87**

Zede (To bstrd): Somethingalong the lines of "Behavior is determined by external factors, not instincts." Sorta like learned behaviors.**

Tsei (To Qrrbrbirbel):Wow really? Yay, I win!**

Tsei (To bstrd):It's human nature to question they're existence in life. ^_^**

Qrrbrbirbel:As it is human nature to question others **

Zede:It is Human Nature to question.**

uglybstrd777(To Qrrbrbirbel):true one would have to be and individual to think of rubbing to stick together to make fire or squeezing a cows utters and then drinking w/e comes out of it. my question is how can they possible measure something like a personality and what affects it?**

Tsei(To Qrrbrbirbel):Are you questioning moi?**

Qrrbrbirbel(To bstrd):First, who do you mean by "they"? i thought we were just sticking to "us" Second, they can't measure personality, but the day we stop caring about who we are, who i am and who you are, is the day when we become "us"**

Zede (To bstrd):Well, there's psychology. It's not quite a measurement of personality, as that's not quite something measurable, like measuring the volume of a vacuum. But it does study and measure the bases (basises?) of personality, its abnormalities, and ways to influence it.

uglybstrd777(To Zede):yeah something along those lines however intincts play a distinct part in someone's behavior too i believe cuz we have these instincts just like animals but that is because we are animals thus comes human nature.**

Tsei(To no one):Why do I think so well when I'm sooo tired Nuff debating discussion stuff! Time for bed! Bedtime! Night everyone **

Qrrbrbirbel(To no one)Teehee, i want a slushie from 711 so i can get a brain freeze.**

Zede(To bstrd):Yeah, we're complicated beings. I agree with you. It's not one set way, but a combination that truly forms human nature**

Qrrbrbirbel:Huzzah!! We finally all agree!!!**

pink_princss: i want a guy in a cage

Qrrbrbirbel: You can have me, but i might question your being XP **

uglybstrd777(To Qrrbrbirbel):By they i meant the person who initially rubbed the sticks together. now i bring up what u said earlier how can their be an "us" without "you" or "me"**

Zede: How did there ever become a "me" in the first place? (Don't answer. I've been down that road...)

Qrrbrbirbel(To bstrd)Well, if what you say is true, understanding "us" gives a greater understanding of ones self, then there had to have been a point where "me" and "you" were both the same. And i find that very hard to believe.**

uglybstrd777(To Zede):i can't really believe in phsycology i mean its never helped me all the crap they gave me never helped me i'm better off without their drugs then i was with them. true we have abnormalities but i guess that one part of being an individual?

Zede(To Qrrbrbirbel):And that's how you came into being, son. **

SONICLINK(To no one):hey witch ever girl buys me ill do what ever they want me to**

uglybstrd777(To Qrrbrbirbel):their are ways that all humans are the same we all began teh same way with a sperm and an egg, we were all born from a woman's womb. whether or not this proves anything i'm not sure**

Fire Trust (To no one):Okay....Then......~blinks~ Well this is fun.......*

Qrrbrbirbel(To bstrd):Yes, through the abnormalities that are human nature we find "me" and "you" which then can be brought into "us", which gives a greater understanding of "me" and "you", for without one another, there can be no existance.****

Zede(To bstrd):That's psychiatry, I think. Or at least clinical psychology. I think the psychiatry actually medicates....Academically, there are many advantages to psychology. But that's in research, not application. And there is a fine line, if there is one at all, between individual and abnormal.

SONICLINK(To no one): any one

SONICLINK: ok then*opens cage and walks out the door*

uglybstrd777(To qrrbrbirbel):*gashos* yes although it almost seems paradoxical it makes sense.

Qrrbrbirbel(To SONICLINK):How can you open the door, when "we" simply do not comply?


bruo_of_wind(To no one):I am using my friends name to get him gold. So I do this for gold! *Sit in the cage and looks around***

Zede(To bstrd):Really? All I see is Qrrbrbirbel putting two magnets together at the same pole, and saying they're sticking.**

uglybstrd777(To Zede):maybe but i believe that by these abnormalities we become more of an individual because these things happen naturally whether from our surroundings or chemicals within our bodies. so in a sense we are naturally individual.**

Qrrbrbirbel(To Zede):What does compute? nvm, im done debating for 5 minutes. i need rest for my brain**

Zede(To bruo):Join "Us"... **

Zede (to bstrd):Then comes along things like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder... that's an individuality. **

Qrrbrbirbel(To bstrd):And after all that, you finally contradict yourself? Tsk Tsk. Just before, you were saying there cannot be individuality without similarity, which is some ways true. Shit, i finally see your point of view. But i still hold firm on mine.**

Cronus_Orion (To no one): **

Qrrbrbirbel( to Zede):**

bruo_of_wind (To Zede):No...I am good....Really**

Zede(to Qrrbrbirbel):Wizard's First Rule: People are Stupid. They will believe what they want the most, or fear the worst. I don't know why I said that...**

*Zede(To bruo):A fine coice, my friend. Express your individuality!**

uglybstrd777(TO Zede):hmmm wait a minute if we become more complex with these abnormalities by calling them something more than an abnormallity say insomnia and pschytsophrenia (most likely spelled wrong) then yes he is merely just telling us what we should see. i guess u really have to meditate upon teh paradox**

Qrrbrbirbel(To Zede):What is knowing? How can one really truely know in the world? There may be things learned, but even things once thought to be known truth have been proven to be untrue. i believe that the impossible is possible.**

Galukor(To no one):Dumdiddly Bump!**

bruo_of_wind(To Zede): #1 I don't know you there for you can't call me a friend. #2.....just..no

Qrrbrbirbel(To Galukor):Are you happy with your individuality?**

Zede(To bstrd):And that is the glory of Humanity: Our ability to take a few simple things )(existence?) and make them outrageously complex.**

Qrrbrbirbel(To bruo): #2, i cant believe that you would want to conform to the norms of society. Expressing individuality is what makes us human, which makes you just another bunny **

Zede(To Qrrbrbirbel):Must I get out a Matrix script? "Free your mind."**

Qrrbrbirbel(To Zede):Thats what i live for.**

Cronus_Orion(To no one):::sits with his arms crossed looking around::

Qrrbrbirbel:ONE OF "US" ONE OF "US" ONE OF "US"

uglybstrd777(To Qrrbrbirbel):maybe i did or maybe your just not understanding what i was getting at, at the least i was just introducing my way of thought not trying to change anyone else's. but then again that possibly ruins the idea of debating**

Zede(To bruo):1) I meant "friend" as a gesture of welcomeness, or to sound sage-like XP
2) Since you disdain humanity, I won't call you friend**

Qrrbrbirbel(To bstrd):I ahd no intention of trying to change your view, i just merely wanted to argue my view against yours **

Zede(To Qrrbrbirbel): That's why you're human... hopefully...

Cronus_Orion (To Qrrbrbirbel): O.o;;;;;;

Qrrbrbirbel(To Zede):**

Zede(To Cronus):Join the "me"s and "you"s!**

Qrrbrbirbel http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gifh how i enjoyed this evening of philosophy. I wish to be friends with bstrd, cuz he is such a wonderful guy.**

uglybstrd777(To Qrrbrbirbel):of couse that would ruin the idea of debating but then again i just started talking philosophy for some odd reason .ahh the sting of sarcasm**

Cronus_Orion(To Zede):Um.....X.x;;

Qrrbrbirbel:Yes, let x=x.**

uglybstrd777(To Qrrbrbirbel):sorry to be human (questioning) but do i detect the faintest sense of sarcasm?**

Cronus_Orion(To no one): im gonna go, byeZ

Zede(To bstrd): You didn't just start. The environment with which you were in compelled you to adapt to the philosophical discussion going on. **

Qrrbrbirbel(To bstrd):I think sarcasm is one of the most wonderful things in the world, dont you?**

Reinkhen(to no one):****

Qrrbrbirbel(To Zede): **

uglybstrd777(To Zede): yes and my natural liking for the subject of philosophy which may or may not have been affected by my surroundings at one time or another. haha**

Zede(To Reinkhen):Welcome to the Matrix. Are you with "Us," or are you with "Me?"

uglybstrd777(To Qrrbrbirbel):haha yeah. its a nifty thing to have

Zede(To bstrd):ooooh so had an urge to go Freudian, but that would result in more complex forms of "Yo Mama" jokes... **

Qrrbrbirbel(To bstrd):Indeed

Reinkhen(To Zede):are you a hallucination of raw hotdogs?**

Qrrbrbirbel:Stick with the program, philosophy is in!!!!

uglybstrd777(To Zede):yeah but he was a bit of a pompous ass too.**

Zede(To Reinkhen):Mr. Spamderson, Welcome breadbox. we Mustard you...**

Qrrbrbirbel(To bstrd):like its nice to take a break from the ramblings of the chatterbox every once in a while. how old are you?**

Zede(To bstrd):Hey. He supported the use of cocaine. He can't be all bad

uglybstrd777(To Qrrbrbirbel):16 and u?**

Qrrbrbirbel:Same here. **

uglybstrd777(To Zede):i never said he was bad i just said he was a pompous ass, hell tons of philosopher/scientist have been doing some mind altering substance's for centuries**

Zede(To Qrrbrbirbel):perhaps through our similar ages, the events we have experienced have thus caused us to reach similar conclusions on these ideas.

uglybstrd(To Qrrbrbirbel):awesome so many people our age are only interested in talking about fashion or famous bull shit its good to break away from that much mundane shit**

Qrrbrbirbel(To bstrd):My lord, think of how much speed Bill Nye must have been on for each show XD**

uglybstrd:who know's what the fuck that guy was on he was probably doin speed balls out his ass**

Qrrbrbirbel(To bstrd):Let's not get back into "mundane" things **

Zede(To bstrd):no wonder I adored him so...**

Zede(To Qrrbrbirbel):Shit is not mundane!

uglybstrd:oops haha well u get my drift its good to talk about something different everyonce in awhile.**

uglybstrd(To Qrrbrbibel):yeah yeah its the first word that came to mind**

Qrrbrbirbel:AIRPLANE!!!!! **

Oct 18, 2005, 11:09 PM
Uh.. what?

Oct 18, 2005, 11:10 PM
i refuse to read all that >.>;; i'll just take your word for it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zelutos on 2005-10-18 21:10 ]</font>

Oct 18, 2005, 11:13 PM
On 2005-10-18 21:10, Zelutos wrote:
i refuse to read all that >.>;; i'll just take your word for it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zelutos on 2005-10-18 21:10 ]</font>

Quitters never win http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_bondage.gif

Oct 18, 2005, 11:16 PM
I think my English reading assignment made more sense then this actually.

Oct 18, 2005, 11:22 PM
Was this on aol?

Oct 18, 2005, 11:29 PM
On 2005-10-18 21:22, ForceEJ wrote:
Was this on aol?


Oct 18, 2005, 11:34 PM


Oct 18, 2005, 11:42 PM
On 2005-10-18 21:34, Zelutos wrote:



Oct 18, 2005, 11:46 PM
On 2005-10-18 21:29, Qrrrbrbirbel wrote:

On 2005-10-18 21:22, ForceEJ wrote:
Was this on aol?




Sorry, but that made me to not want to read it.

Oct 18, 2005, 11:49 PM
On 2005-10-18 21:46, Solstis wrote:

On 2005-10-18 21:29, Qrrrbrbirbel wrote:

On 2005-10-18 21:22, ForceEJ wrote:
Was this on aol?




Sorry, but that made me to not want to read it.

ROFL WAFFLE yeah i know, but its fun to go sometimes. to observe the true "players" as they so put it.

Edit: http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gifomo:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Qrrrbrbirbel on 2005-10-18 21:50 ]</font>

Oct 19, 2005, 12:24 AM
Go outside.

Oct 19, 2005, 12:27 AM
On 2005-10-18 22:24, Skorpius wrote:
Go outside.

What happaned to my cage?

Oct 19, 2005, 12:42 AM
On 2005-10-18 21:49, Qrrrbrbirbel wrote:
ROFL WAFFLE yeah i know, but its fun to go sometimes. to observe the true "players" as they so put it.

Edit: http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gifomo:


ROFL iron, yo

Oct 19, 2005, 01:12 AM
I hear the love some queastionable images over at Gaia.

Oct 19, 2005, 02:35 AM
"How About, No." @ qrribel man.

I usually read anything and everything and even I did not read that. So hah. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif