View Full Version : PSU story question (Possible spoilers to previous PS games)

Apr 11, 2006, 09:22 PM
Will PSU be connected to any of the other PS games? I know that PS1-4 and PSO are actually connected but does PSU's singleplayer story fall in anywhere? Don't worry about spoiling anything for me, I beaten all of the games.

Apr 11, 2006, 09:29 PM
On 2006-04-11 19:22, Holmes wrote:
Will PSU be connected to any of the other PS games? I know that PS1-4 and PSO are actually connected but does PSU's singleplayer story fall in anywhere? Don't worry about spoiling anything for me, I beaten all of the games.

As has been stated in previous developer interviews, Phantasy Star Universe is seperate from the other games. Certain concepts (3 Races, Humans/Newmans/Androids, etc...) will be present, but you should think of PSU as not being connected to any previous Phantasy Star games.

Apr 12, 2006, 12:31 AM
Similarly, PSO and PS are not linked by storyline either. It's very easy to connect the dots, if you know where the dots to connect are, but offically - they are two independant series within the overall Phantasy Star franchise.

PSU is similarly disconnected from both PS and PSO.

Apr 12, 2006, 09:32 AM
Actually, from research that I've done, PSO is connected to PSI-IV.

*spoilers below*

Remember in PSII Parma exploded? It's beleived that the Pioneer 1 was actually one of a few large evacuation shuttles made for evacuating as many Parmanians (humans) as possible. Many people boarded the craft and left for a new world. Some left to live on Motavia and Dezolis, while the others decided to seach for a new world to colonize, henceforth whty they found Ragol.

Apr 12, 2006, 09:35 AM
Actualy, Pioneer 1 is a ship from the planet Coral...

Apr 12, 2006, 09:35 AM
There is one problem with your theory. In PSO, the planet that is being evacuated is called Coral.

Apr 12, 2006, 10:11 AM
I don't think they'll be any direct connections. Kinda like the FF series. They all have the FF trademarks and similar 'save the world and explore it' thing so it's kinda worked like that for PSO and probably PSU. Still, they could change names and all but the concept is still there, so you could say there's 'some' type of connection but its not direct.

One thing is that this time they're using the 3 planets logo (you know the 3 circles in the circle) directly with the new planets.