View Full Version : Agata Relics Enemies

Oct 6, 2006, 02:43 PM
I'm rather certain it's a technique, seeing as how silencing them they're unable to cast, but what is it, exactly? It's definitely not Zonde--it seems to cause Sleep status.

I'm conjecturing it's light-elemental, but it's a missile attack, and the only one light elemental attack player characters get is the explosive Regrants. Is it an enemy-exclusive technique?

Oct 6, 2006, 02:58 PM
I'm not sure what your talking about.... did you forget a link?

Oct 6, 2006, 03:06 PM
Ah! The Agata Relics. It's a new area on Neudaiz opened in the last update, reached by doing Shikon Archipelago followed by the Agata Archipelago areas. None of the enemies themselves are actually new, but for some reason they're all light-elemental here and have ridiculous MST. It's hell for Forces, apparently.

I believe it's Network Mode exclusive, too. I don't remember ever actually playing a Relics dungeon with these enemies on Neudaiz in Story Mode.

Oct 6, 2006, 10:10 PM
Thats cool actually, i was thinking of a idea where they have diffrent missions that cater to certain jobs, like one where they have high dfp and one with high mst cool they actually did it

Oct 6, 2006, 10:57 PM

Oct 6, 2006, 11:06 PM
I'm betting on that being its name, although the fact is, at least in Story and Extra Mode, it isn't available for purchase. Maybe it will be in Network Mode, though, I wonder? Or maybe it'll remain exclusive to the creatures casting it there.