View Full Version : Available Technics in beta?

Oct 13, 2006, 04:29 PM
So far I've seen discs for the four basic elemental damage spells (plain and Ra- series) as well as Resta and Reverser.
Anybody find buffs/debuffs or Gi-, or Nosu-discs?
Or anything dark element?

Oct 13, 2006, 04:38 PM
It's identical to what JP PSU was like in beta/initial release by the looks of things. Only the basic and Ra-level sets for the four elementals (no dark tree yet), along with those two light spells, nothing other could be bought or found.

The Gi-level spells for the basic four elements were only released today on JP PSU, I imagine this similar release pattern will follow for the US game upon release, based on Sonic Team's past interview responses.

Oct 13, 2006, 04:43 PM
Ah ok. That's too bad, was hoping to do some proper buffing. That pretty much rules out Cast and Beast Forces, with Force being concentrated on Healing ressing and NUKING atm.