View Full Version : GH 460

Oct 16, 2006, 10:22 AM
I know that this type of Combat PM is unavailable. However, to whomever it was who pulled the data from extra mode I was wondering if there was a standard pic of GH 460 and not one of the palette swapped ones (e.g. 461-465).

More of a curiosity then anything really.


Oct 16, 2006, 02:09 PM
I've never heard of a GH460 at least. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't exist at all either; after all, the 46x series already has five PMs like the other ones.

Oct 16, 2006, 02:19 PM
The only reason I ask is that the de-facto standards for Combat Capable PMs all end in 0 (GH-410, GH-420, etc.). The pics that are up show GH-461 thru GH-465. So this could mean one of two things:

--It's just an oversight on SEGA's part (or a misnumbering)

--There are in fact supposed to be 6 different types of swaps per PM (thus there's a GH-415, GH-425, etc.) or perhaps even more.

Again, just something I noticed. Was curious if anyone else caught it and knew anything further on it or not.