View Full Version : Why is armor so expensive...

Oct 29, 2006, 03:09 AM
...when it's so terrible?

I spent all day earning up 18k to buy some B rank armor, and after testing it, the difference is only 10 damage resisted compared to no armor at all, despite my defense tripling. What gives?

Oct 29, 2006, 03:27 AM
i think your more or less buying slots, instead of any actual increase of defense.

Oct 29, 2006, 05:38 AM
Yes, but your evasion skyrocketed, and when you block, you'll take a whole lot less damage, if any at all.

Plus, yes, the slots are the big thing. Head slots are amazing for Forces, since we can get a unit for 36 more TP, and when Sega unlocks them, the amazing Mei/Quick unit which speeds our cast speed dramatically (at the cost of a -30 TP penalty).

Oct 29, 2006, 05:47 AM
The armors are based around class types and limitations from what I've taken in about them.

You get to pick your own poison.

Say you're a Hunter-Cast with High Def and lower Evade and MST.

You can choose an armor that has the highest Def boost to increase upon your natural class/race stats, or buy an armor that add substantial Evade or MST to make up for those deficiencies your class/race has.