View Full Version : Question for JP players...

Oct 30, 2006, 12:04 AM
For those who play JP PSU, here is a quick Ranger question:

1) How are Gernade Launchers/Laser Cannons, do you find yourself using either of them on a likely basis (Such as Handgun/Saber, or Dual Handguns.0

2) How do Shotguns fair up after leveling them significantly? We all know they suck at the beginning, but how about after that?

3) For the CASTs: Hows the Rocket Launcher SUV?

4) Why do people constantly use Rifle outside of Boss Battles (and important fights) then complain about high PP costs, why don't they just change to Dual Handguns or Handgun/Sabers (or daggers)?

So those are my questions, and yes, the forth one is a joke... And I do not mind if it offends anyone, if you wish to use Rifle, so be it, but don't cry about high PP costs or not getting enough damage due to slow shots.