View Full Version : NPC Stories (?SPOILERS?) Story Mode

Nov 13, 2006, 06:43 AM
I already asked about Yokus MElton, but nobody seems to know. So I'll ask in general. Do you know of any certain NPC stories offline?

I one more myself. His name is Kitov Milzu and he is on Neudaiz I think. This is Ch. 8. If you speak to Bunami in the Guardians Branch she will tell you the Milzu is messing around with one of the receptionists even though he is married and I think has a kid.

Nov 14, 2006, 06:43 AM
The Vol Brothers stole the name Vol from a legendary pirate duo that were around on Moatoob in the past. (got this info from Ch. 9. Also from the same chapter, the races seem capable of intersecting. I talked to a green haired kid on Moatoob (CH 9) and he said he wanted to learn to nanoblast or something like that. He looks like a Newman but he said his dad was a Beast. so he figures he could learn to do it.

Nov 14, 2006, 10:24 AM
Yokus moved to PArum in order to have a "Fresh start" she bailed on everyone and startwed over there, she tells you in chap 12 (last chapter)