Conversation Between Seth Astra and LarienTiwele

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Played it back in the Closed Beta, and enjoyed it then, but haven't been able to get back into it since.
  2. Yeah, sadly all my money pretty much is sapped away by my dad to pay bills as I'm the only person who has a damned job to pay them all, so I haven't even been able to get my PC parts to build it again to play PSO2 and such x_x;

    Have you had a chance to play yet, and if so how is it? owo
  3. That sucks. But it's great to see you again. Glad you managed to find a job.
  4. Mow... Havn't popped in here on ages but finally got that damned job... and now using some of the cash to get the last few days in on PSU 360... and being sad as I can't get screenshots - or fanart - of my characters... whom can never be seen again after they shut server down ; ;... xD
  5. Aww, darn. It would mean being able to keep in touch when not around PSOW x_x;
  6. Nope. No chance at all. Although I do have a chat box related to a group on here that I run. But that's about it.
  7. Any chance you have MSN or the like, Seth?
  8. Ah. I've missed ya. I wish you luck with getting a job.
  9. XD I havn't been around much... Still seeking a damned Job and at the moment, prepping to move this upcoming weekend or so... and wanting a farking Joooooob so I can afford stuff like PSU again. Q_Q
  10. Randomly saying hi, since I haven't talked to you in ages.

    So, yeah, hi.
  11. Good to have you here. Though, to be OK in my book, well, you just have to join the RPs, really. I'm easily satisfied.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11