Conversation Between Mikura and Ce'Nedra

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Mine grows on a daily base~ I got tons of galleries bookmarked that I really need to sort out sometime which are worth saving stuff from and not...Got maybe over 100 galleries bookmarked :P

    I'm quite picky too, I only save quality or rare stuff.
  2. My collection hasn't been growing as much as it used to. D: But sure, we can do that as well! Lot of what I look at is on certain websites I frequent. Plus, I've gotten more picky on what I save on my comp. <.<
  3. And exchange collection maybe /o/
  4. ;o Why certainly! I'll drop you a line sometime and we can notes or something.
  5. it's fine. I also love hentai and stuff so we should chat up about it sometime~
  6. We need to talk, eh? I'm interested... ;o Been away from PSOW for a few days so apologies for the late reply. :3
  7. Hentai Enthusiast eh? We need to talk :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7