Conversation Between RLbitClassica and Ken & Robo

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Since it seems like you don't check the Phantasy Star Zero Revival board often, nor have you logged on in a while (assuming it is because you are caught up with playing Skyrim and your own real-life matters), I thought I would tell you this on your profile page:

    I will be retiring PSZ (again) now. I prefer to not tell why, since it is for a personal and perhaps biased reason of mine. That doesn't mean I will never play this game again, but I will now play PSZ very rarely.

    Well, thanks so much for the runs, Classica. It was fun playing with you and the rest of the group while it lasted.
  2. You said: "Rage tonfa with no PA=New Ford Mustang with no A/C or Radio and crappy paint job." on Eclipse's trade thread.

    ...So might I ask, what does a Twin Psychoguns with no PA equal...?

    That's right. I got a Twin Psychoguns with no PA from the Heaven's Mommy from one run of Eternal Tower. It really blinking sucks. >_>
  3. Cool. I guess that means more to hunt down in the second half of the Dark Shrine. Considering that I feel I need to play with my RAcast some more and I have a few types of guns I would use, I wouldn't mind getting the Twin Psychoguns...
  4. I forgot to mention this to you. Shanks wants to participate in our "HUcast Trio Dream" with his RAcast, since he is going to get a Yasminkov M109. Would this be fine with you?
  5. Happy Birthday, by the way.
  6. RE: OK. Cool.
  7. I'm not sure if you know this, although I'm not bragging or anything, but would you sh!t your pants if I told you that the Akatsuki In's blade extends when you swing it? As in maybe as long as Sephiroth's katana in FF7?
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