Conversation Between -Hyacia- and shenrei

10 Visitor Messages

  1. gross!
  2. Mustard is tasty!
  3. Mustard is nasty
  4. Mustard.
  5. You and your silly Trillian...
  6. Don't think it worked. Probably because I'm using Trillian. PM me or post whatever MSN you're using so I can try adding you.
  7. I added you on MSN. The Email you have on your profile here. But I haven't played much, it's mostly just a trial period to me until there is English client.
  8. yeah, no beast is a bummer. I'm playing PSO2 but i dunno wtf im doing
  9. Me and Vindy didn't get along for too long.
  10. Booo we didn't get to play Vindictus together :P I'll be here now and then though :3 Message me or something!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10