Conversation Between Zessica and ReaperTheAbsol

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. Merp.
  2. Haha. I'm just doing my job. (:
  3. Thanks! :3
  4. Here are Koffie's client orders for your convenience.
  5. I'll be on in a little bit. See ya there!
  6. Im baaaack (I had to leave suddenly D Queen Zessica is waiting for ya! :3
  7. Battle has made us weary. Sleep well and prepare for battle once more!

    (Goodnight! I'll see you soon!)
  8. Indeed my dear good friend, Forever it shall be. Nothing will sperate us or stand in our path! .....*Falls asleep*..... (Lol nighty night seeya tommorow!)
  9. Had I not arrived one moment too late I pray tell what may have happened. Worry not any longer. With my blade I will assure that not a soul will bring harm towards you again. Fate has brought us together, and by fate we shall remain side by side. It is and forever shall be.
  10. Indeed we are, It occured on this fateful day, I was slaying endless hordes of monsters, Dwn to my last few bullets and my photon sabers running low on energy, Caked in blood by my foes, The outcome did not look well, And I thought this would be the end of me. Until you came along with your lovely sword and slayed all the monsters in one fell swipe....From there on, Our fate was sealed.
  11. The gods of war deemed it necessary that our encounter occur within this lifetime. We are indeed fortunate.
  12. Good job, You deserve a promotion. How wonderful is it that I met you on the battle field in a desperate time of need?
  13. I never doubted us for a second. I'm already drawing up battle plans and arranging a celebratory dinner as we speak.
  14. We shall seize this moment and take control of everything at our disposal to reach our goal, Victory is already assured.
  15. I do believe our partnership will transcend history and time, and everyone will know of our rule. The golden age is upon us, my dear friend.
  16. Indeed everything shall be ours! All in due time my dear good friend....all in due time...
  17. Your brilliance is astounding. Our ship will be the best ship. Ever. Once we have taken over Sega we shall move onto the next best target. As we hop from one target to the next world domination will be within our grasp.
  18. Indeed, We shall become so famous that SEGA will give us our very own ship where we shall make the rules. We shall become unstoppable and wage war on the other ships until we own SEGA!
  19. Yes! And maidens will tend to our every need so long as we see fit. Hawk can get used to living the high life.
  20. And after the battle we shall bask in the wonderful light known as glorly and feed ourselves the best grapes while we sit back and are worshipped by our followers!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 36
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