Conversation Between BadmuthaPannon and Miki~

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Just strolling through the park
  2. so what is the pannon of bad up to?
  3. I don't want your spoiled rabbit. >.>
  4. the pannons think an extra pet for Miki = extra love

    and mo money, so a rabbit is best for Miki
  5. You can keep that last one
  6. do you and your familia consist of a parrot, a dog and a spoiled rabbit?
  7. Nope nope, I be's the smexiest fluffiest pannon on Gurhal. beachest be like Daayumm when they enter a room and see me and my familia
  8. you're not who i think you are are you? The guy with all the pets?
  9. Lol what?
  10. The pannons suggest, Smile a little when their looking and smile more when they're not

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10