
Type: Posts; User: Sir_Laguna

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  1. Replies

    Current block only matters once you want to send...

    Current block only matters once you want to send out party invites, as far as I know-- you do need to be on the same block to do that.

    That said, the blocks I currently frequent Ship 02 are 28,...
  2. Replies

    Welcome back to the world of the living,...

    Welcome back to the world of the living, Scejntjynahl. It's good to see another familiar face! :)

    I've been nowhere near as active as a lot of others, but damn-- it's really been almost 16 years...
  3. PC I'm going to cross my fingers for Ship 02 being...

    I'm going to cross my fingers for Ship 02 being the official server. Mostly because I'm already on it. :-P
  4. Replies

    Poll: NA PSO2 I'm active on Ship 02! Figured 1 would be the...

    I'm active on Ship 02! Figured 1 would be the one to get hammered-- nope. Installed PSO2 Tweaker, and now there's no stuttering-- I don't mind that 02's as busy as it is!

    Player ID Name and...
  5. Sir Laguna reporting back in. Played a LOT of...

    Sir Laguna reporting back in. Played a LOT of PSOGC online, way back in the day. Had a legit Lv. 200 RAmar. Can still feel that ASCII keyboard controller in my hands, and remember typing on those...
  6. Replies

    Psh, I saw you, Uncle. YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME.

    Psh, I saw you, Uncle. YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME.
  7. Replies

    WOW. If this isn't a laundry list of nostalgia,...

    WOW. If this isn't a laundry list of nostalgia, I don't know what is. I recall the people behind a good chunk of these names.

    I remember your fan projects, Adam-- if this one's still alive, I'm...
  8. Revived my account to pop in and say that I'm...

    Revived my account to pop in and say that I'm ecstatic to see PSO2 finally get an official English release after like 7 years. I'm also super excited to see fellow members of the PSOGC and V2...
  9. Replies

    Nay, such thoughts are futile. This place no...

    Nay, such thoughts are futile. This place no longer holds any sentimental value for us. I would prefer to embark on a voyage to Alderaan so that I may study the customs of the Jedi people and...
  10. Replies

    That has to be a massive pain in the ass in the...

    That has to be a massive pain in the ass in the event that you wake up and have to go to the bathroom. How do you fit through the door?

    As for me: How's a nice, thick t-shirt and a pair of...
  11. Replies

    It's about that time of year (cold, dry air and...

    It's about that time of year (cold, dry air and all that), so probably. Should've equipped a Static Guard.
  12. Replies

    Yes, let us cling together.

    Yes, let us cling together.
  13. Replies

    PC Those cards require PCIe 3.0 slots, while his rig...

    Those cards require PCIe 3.0 slots, while his rig has 2.0 slots. Not sure if that'd work, unfortunately. (EDIT: A PCIe 3.0 card will still work. My bad!)

    Drifting Fable, I have two questions: ...
  14. Good to meetcha, Freeze! Glad to be back, and...

    Good to meetcha, Freeze! Glad to be back, and hope to see you out there.
  15. More like a re-introduction (it's been a LONG time!)

    Apologies if this is tl;dr. As the name implies, it's been at least 6 years since my last foray into the online world of Phantasy Star. I've started running around PSO2 very recently, so it's high...
  16. Replies

    Pretty much this. All the tips are great, but we...

    Pretty much this. All the tips are great, but we might be overwhelming the new guys by being far too specific.

    Try not to worry about the details TOO much. To keep it simple: Just use your best...
  17. Replies

    Honestly, I think the best thing to do would be...

    Honestly, I think the best thing to do would be to just put yourself out there (easer said than done, right?) Advertise yourself. Make sure people know you're interested in doing some runs. If...
  18. Replies

    I actually had the same problem when trying to...

    I actually had the same problem when trying to install PSU. It would get about 85% of the way through and then it told me the source file was corrupted. However, I rebooted, made sure NO other...
  19. PSU? For free?! You know I'll be there. This...

    PSU? For free?! You know I'll be there. This will be an excellent chance to check it out. I won't be on the 360 version (I preordered the PC version) but I at least want to see for myself what I...
  20. -So, there's seperate levels for classes and for...

    -So, there's seperate levels for classes and for base character stats... I'd like to know what the level cap for both sides are. PSO ep1&2's Lv.200 cap kept me playing for at least a couple of...
  21. About the flow of quests.... 1.) Is there any...

    About the flow of quests....

    1.) Is there any walking outside of town to get to the overworld, or do you just warp to an area upon starting a quest?

    2.) Is there any travelling done from...
  22. Replies

    Yay! I'm not alone in my desire for PSU's music....

    Yay! I'm not alone in my desire for PSU's music.

    I've only heard a little of Parum's overworld theme (the music that plays in...
  23. Okay, here's some questions I have for those of...

    Okay, here's some questions I have for those of you in the beta:

    -How exactly do "teams" (games) work in PSU? For example, once you join one, are you instantly warped to the mission area?

  24. Poll: I'll likely be using some form of voice chat...

    I'll likely be using some form of voice chat (Ventrilo, Teamspeak, etc.) as I'll be playing the PC version. I think voice chat's a very good thing... when it's used responsibly. It's a hell of a...
  25. Replies

    That's tough to say. I've been wondering the...

    That's tough to say. I've been wondering the same thing, though. I gather from what I've read (and this is just hypothesizing) that since there's transportation between planets via terminals in...
Results 1 to 25 of 71
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