
Type: Posts; User: FantasyHeaven

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  1. Replies

    This is just embarassing.

    This is just embarassing.
  2. Replies

    It's obvious that this person isn't really the...

    It's obvious that this person isn't really the brightest but this is pretty much what the reasoning amounts to among people who "REALLY WANT TO" but don't play. Whenever you see posts like this its...
  3. It was even worse when it was nyau. At least...

    It was even worse when it was nyau. At least rappy doesn't take 5 minutes with his dying animation and spawn another sponge on top.

    Another big problem with this game is the difficulty in mpa...
  4. Replies

    The problem with UH is they tie it to ridiculous...

    The problem with UH is they tie it to ridiculous subclass level requirements. You seriously expect me to level phantom or whatever when it gives absolutely no (and I mean 0) benefits past a certain...
  5. Replies

    PSO2 Playing FF14 and then coming back to this game is...

    Playing FF14 and then coming back to this game is ridiculous. The camera here is literally riding up your ass. And this is an action game. Probably some sega brand bubblegum code preventing its...
  6. What they should've done instead is make a pso3...

    What they should've done instead is make a pso3 with english servers from the start and actually have a plan of going forward. This game is a random assortment of ideas that were abandoned each in a...
  7. Replies

    Phantom katana is actually fun and hero is just...

    Phantom katana is actually fun and hero is just complete assballs in every single way.
    Phantom wins.
  8. Lightning is great already with fofi

    Lightning is great already with fofi
  9. Replies

    Play whatever you want, even if you're doing no...

    Play whatever you want, even if you're doing no damage the rest will carry and there's nothing they can do about it other than cry. Boo hoo precious 1 minute of their important lives wasted tops....
  10. They routinely do persona EQs at midnight or 6-7...

    They routinely do persona EQs at midnight or 6-7 in the morning in japan. No average salaryman is going to touch those.
  11. After the first correction the japanese just had...

    After the first correction the japanese just had to keep on bitching so we only get these crappy boosts now, hooray!
    Even the first compensation would've been fine as it only affected a handful of...
  12. Replies

    Yes zieg is a hot mass and in general in-game...

    Yes zieg is a hot mass and in general in-game it's impossible to find any info relating to anything you'd like to know about without putting an unnecessary amount of work in. Good luck figuring out...
  13. The japs seem to have a good first impression on...

    The japs seem to have a good first impression on the new D because he was apparently good at the game
    a real rarity for this game
  14. Replies

    lol just as they have a good thing going with...

    lol just as they have a good thing going with unique 14*s "you know what fuck that let's go back to the assembly line!"
    also lv90 that absolutely no one asked for and pvp that no one plays
  15. Replies

    That's as good a reason as any. The only thing he...

    That's as good a reason as any. The only thing he did wrong was not start the teleporter the moment it goes 12/12. This is a solo game and I don't consider the other people running around as anything...
  16. with gacha dead mobile trash would basically be...

    with gacha dead mobile trash would basically be dead in the water which won't be allowed to happen
  17. They're worse than hitler in japan and rightly so.

    They're worse than hitler in japan and rightly so.
  18. Replies

    made me laugh

    made me laugh
  19. Replies

    It could just be space different world instead

    It could just be space different world instead
  20. Replies

    Despite their alleged 10 year plan, the game...

    Despite their alleged 10 year plan, the game clearly wasn't planned out past like ep2 in the first place. They should just start fresh with a fully planned out pso3. Too bad pso3 is most likely to be...
  21. How do you manage that with the most braindead op...

    How do you manage that with the most braindead op button mash class in any game in recent memory? You just suck shit or what? Fucking hero takes more skill than that.
  22. Replies

    Poor, poor sega. I'm so sorry for them. If only...

    Poor, poor sega. I'm so sorry for them. If only this could have been prevented.

    What are you even talking about? Neither of those games get any content at all. MHW gets nothing and it's not even...
  23. Maybe if this piece of shit never existed in the...

    Maybe if this piece of shit never existed in the first place we wouldn't have literal ps2 graphics, 2d orbs floating around in sanctuary and nonmoving fingers. Too little too late.
  24. Looks pretty faithful

    Looks pretty faithful
  25. Replies

    - Different Element Conversion Rate will be 45%...

    - Different Element Conversion Rate will be 45% at Level 5
    - Same Element Conversion Rate will be 50% for Levels 1 ~ 5.

    So what the fuck is even the point of this skill? Same as brave/wise...
Results 1 to 25 of 220
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