im selling everything i have so i can buy a fighter pallete!
im gonna keep a full 10/10 gunner pallete.

dont forget to check out my weapons for sale thread


serafi senba set

32% dark
46% dark
32% fire
36% fire
30% ice
30% lightning
32% ground
36% ground
30% light
46% light

0% rabol nico
30% ice asura-senba
0% green green line

orachio set
22% fire
22% fire
21% ice
28% ice
20% lightning
24% lightning
22% ground
25% ground
22% light
22% dark

har smart x 2
hizeri mind x 3
hizeri concentrate
cati skill pp save
lumirus khaos knight x 3
lumirus power charge
orpad guard
lumirus wall
whitill wing
orpa hp restore
4 freeze resist
4 sleep resist
2 orpad legs
3 black hearts
3 dark wings
vivienne fluge
hize pp generate x 3
paradi x 3

material's, room deco's and boards.

20 stacks of the 6 element photon's. (most of them are in present's and easy to trade over)
30 stacks of catilum.
10 stacks of mot walna.
6 stacks of hapotite.
10 stacks of merculine
10 stacks of junaline.
5 stacks of ydral.
15 stacks of cladorian.
3 stacks of vestaline.
3 stacks of vulcaline.
3 stacks of kerseline.
8 stacks of metapolymer.
4 stacks of nanopolymer.
3 stacks of ortapolymer.
1 stack of rubinad.
58 relic edge's
stack of base S
stack of titania.
stack of citrad.
bloody score á x 2
kireek soul x 1
nel soul x 1
ash soul x 4
guardians tag x 9
knuckles figure
glaring de ragnus
baying de ragnus
ladeen pillar x 2
stateria figure x 1
moatoab collectible x 2
bajura boards x 5
voloyal set white and teal.
voloyal set white and pink.

please, meseta only offer's.
unless you have any of the following which i want to buy

50% 10/10 gekitsnata (all elements)
50% 10/10 bil de axe (all elements)
46%-50% mugunburga (all elements)
MAKE AN OFFER! THE WORST I CAN SAY IS NO THANKS! :P but im very reasonable!