Ahh see i was trying things out last night and noticed a lot of these changes haha. It's interesting how they made mst the mod for rod,wand, and slicer damage. So far it's looking like making a melee FO would be a lot of fun, but also very difficult with the newmans because of that invasive amount of ATA you need. Perhaps i'll try one out later down the line, maybe my second of third character.

Right now I think i'm going to go straight forward with a cast, and it's between the HUcast and RAcast. I have to say the HUcast is awesome, simple as that...but I love how the RA's use their weapons. I know the cast hunters can use just as much ranged, but they miss out on more of the awesome cannons and bazookas. I'm leaning more toward the RAs though; not because of a "min/max" idea, since min maxing in most games is pointless past the on paper idea, (also Ra's aren't technically superior) but because they are loads of fun and get too much flak for their slight differences.

Also, Bio panic and wild blow are awesome