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  1. #1
    Common Sense 'R Us
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Pacifica, CA


    In a time long, long ago, the Realm was filled with strife. Fools and petty tyrants dominated the land, laying about with fire and sword and heavy-handed edicts like only the cruelest of men could do. This was a time when every man, woman and child had to fight each other just to keep their sanity.

    Yet every so often, a haven of good and freedom would be carved out of the chaos. Guardians of Order would form a place where freedom, truth and wisdom reigned and everyone lived happily.

    In one of these Lands, Phariso, the Land of Scholars, several great knights protected the land. The scholars would find new and exciting knowledge every day, and the cause of Order was furthered in Phariso. But one day, a novice scholar came with a breakthrough in science... when he tried to claim the invention, many refused to believe him.

    "Clearly, he copied someone elses work!" cried one.
    "That need not be so. Anyone can have the seed of greatness." claimed one master scholar.
    "Fool! Can you not see? It's impossible!"

    The master scholar was insulted, but saw the scholar for what he was. A fellow who needed to be instructued.
    "Ahh.. young one, let me explain to you..."

    "STOP!" cried the Knights of Order. "YOU MAY NOT CONTINUE!"
    The master scholar blinked in surprise, and tried to continue his lesson.
    The knights flooded the room and tied up everyone there. The Queen of the Knights said unto them, "In the name of order and peace, I forbid you to speak of this again. Both of you should be ashamed."

    The master scholar sighed and wandered off, his lesson untaught. The scholar went off, upset and untaught, potential untapped. The new scholar felt even more discouraged. Yet the Knights felt this was just, for the peace and tranquility of the land was preserved. After all, what separated the small world of Phariso from the teeming chaos outside but Law, Peace and Tranquility.

    Yet only the bards could sing of the tragedy of potential knowledge lost. For they knew conflict was not evil in itself, for conflict drives the very earth we stand on. It is senseless, meaningless conflict that destroys that which the Knights hold so dear.

    Perhaps even the bard's voices would be silenced.

  2. #2



    Seriously, did this just go over everyone's heads? Or does nobody want to speak out against the censorship nazis for fear they will be hunted down?

    Well, I agree with you KirinDave! Down with censorship!

  3. #3


    Very cool Kirin, very cool.

  4. #4


    Did you make that up yourself?

    If so, that's cool

  5. #5


    whoah. now that was cool. it has a message behind it all too.

  6. #6
    Common Sense 'R Us
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Pacifica, CA


    I see Taco got it, but I'm not sure anyone else did.

    Read this thread:

    THEN read this.

  7. #7
    Adicted HUcast (legit player)
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Chicago, IL


    ohh so much reading...

  8. #8
    Common Sense 'R Us
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Pacifica, CA


    ... Wow. I totally forgot about this.


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