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  1. #1
    RAGU Sauce ARChan's Avatar
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    Default [PSOep3] Days of Immorality

    Hello, everyone

    This fanfic was inspired by PSO episode 3 when I was running around and doing side missions for the CASTs. Then, a bro and I were talking about the referenced event that happened before episode 3 chronologically. Anyway, I know it has been a while since episode 3 was released but I still love the storyline. It's so awesome. Anyway, sorry if I get a bit too wordy. Bad habits are hard to break... >.<

    Anyway, enjoy. Critiques, questions, and comments are welcome. link:

    Spoilers ahoy!
    Last edited by ARChan; Feb 10, 2015 at 11:10 PM.

  2. #2
    RAGU Sauce ARChan's Avatar
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    --RECORD 1--

    My head dropped back as I scanned above. Identifying what I was inclined to observe was troublesome. Trees blocked all traces of organic light. The air was cold and moist, making one without proper gear able to suffer hypothermia in the matter of minutes. It was identified for there being the stench of moist dirt with fungal growth and plants. Standing in place would make an individual--as Organics would say--"one with nature." It can make one stand in awe, especially since generations of the pioneers have not encountered such magnificence when excluding the artificial attempts of these structures.

    However, it only would be nice. By the lights glancing about, a receptionist-type Caseal did her attempt to be "one with nature." As I passed her, I only glanced to my side to see her take damage by a rifle stock strike to the back of her head. I continued forward without attempting to help her. Maybe Daddy would have helped her, but why should I? I was not even acquainted with her.

    Oh. How rude of me. I am Fortuna, a butler-type Caseal. My owner is the one whom I identify as "Daddy." People call him 3rd Professor Felix. He never told me his real name. I know it has to do with security reasons. It is understandable. Therefore, there is no need to know. Still, the lack of data about his identity creates an obnoxious void, which is ready to be occupied by any bits of data about him, be it fact or fiction. I served Daddy since the attempted link of both Pioneer 1 and 2. That is not that much time, but I came to acknowledge him as my father; my creator. In that accord, I feel I must repay him in any manner possible.

    Marching through the forest was no easy task. There were four different lines. Because of the moisture and condensation, visibility was low and the only bits of biological visual data would be the lights indicating where we should go. Some of us tripped over tree roots. Others malfunctioned due to improper protection against intense moisture. More became lost.

    I scanned down to my feet. Identifying the floor was difficult. Then, someone nudged my shoulder. I raised my head to see who it was, but I tripped forward. Arms stretched out and caught me. I shoved myself back upright and continued forward as I quickly glanced at who it was.

    "You look so tense. Loosen up."

    Although I could not see, the voice was identifiable. It was a security-type Caseal named California. She is a generation older than I am, but the specs of my generation and hers are not too different. Her creator is 3rd Professor Felix, making her "Daddy" mine. In that sense, she is my sister. However, I do not acknowledge her as my sister. Although our frames and data should be similar, she is too different. In fact, she is the one who preferred to be called Calai by her own will. What is the use of such a program if it is a program? Professor Montague needs to be told that personality data is flawed. There are no personality data perfectly matched to an Organic's.

    We then came to a break in the forest. It was a massive, exposed range. In the center of that range was a square opening, where we were directed by Organics to stand by. We were taken by rows rather than the lines. That allowed Calai and me to stand side-by-side. By that time, my visual sensors moved straight up. What I could see was a bright, lonely star. It lingered in the stratosphere. Correction, it was not a star, though it looked like one. It was our home: Pioneer 2, the place where Daddy was. I will see him again. I still need to make dinner.

    Once everyone was at formation, we were lined around the massive square hole. All became rather silent. I could hear the photon generators hum.

    "Ready!" yelled a commanding Organic.

    Calai and I glanced at each other for some operation to mimic between us, but instead, we were all simply just looking from side to side. Sensors indicated a heat wave coming from the hole down below as I inspected the opening. Then, I looked up to see who were lined around the square. Caseals... Only Caseals! Genocide! What was there to do? We were all unarmed and no armor was accessible. Just one move and we would all perish.


    Just before I could turn and at least try to combat the Organics, Calai snatched my arm. I looked over to her, about to question her motives, but I saw her essence become mystical. She looked up to me and gave this smile. I could not identify the motive but I found myself sympathizing with her. Her hand fitted into mine. All the panic went away. This is the end, is it not? How can we live? I detect molten ether rising from the square opening. I was already counting how long it would take for us to be struck by a photon bolt. Calai and I are sisters. Of course. I should be happy to lose functionality with Calai. Of course.


    Calai shoved me into the hole. As I fell, I was able to find her diving down after me. No... She was shot. I widened my form as she fell straight. Photon bolts soar through the air. Other Caseals fell as well. We were dying. I knew that to be true. Once Calai was within reach, I took her into my arms and inspected her wound as we continued to fall. It was deep but not fatal. She should be able to live. I cradled her into my arms as temperatures skyrocketed. Then, the place glowed orange. Below us was molten lava. How could we survive lava without proper protection? My visual sensors stayed on Calai, hoping that what is to come will be swift and painless.

    Last edited by ARChan; May 12, 2014 at 10:52 PM.

  3. #3
    RAGU Sauce ARChan's Avatar
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    --RECORD 2--


    "What is it, Calai?"

    "Nothing. Ha ha ha!"

    "Uh... Okay."

    I was undergoing start-up operations. The first kinds of sensory enabled were auditory and touch. I could not move. There were shuffling noises and Calai grunting.

    "Sis! Sis, get up! Come on! Sis...! No! Let go! Sis!"

    Sensors then indicated surface damage due to intense heat. The first survival operation after basic start-up was the ether converter. Like Organics, CASTs also breath. However, instead of essential gases, CASTs take in an airborne material known as ether. Ether is an essential material for CASTs because of how it can be distributed throughout the CAST system for numerous operations. To simplify, ether to CASTs is an Organic's food, water, essential gas, lubricant, and energy source. It also comes in food as well, which is why a CAST can consume Monomates. As for excretions... Daddy commanded that I should not describe how it happens unless perfectly necessary.

    By the time my start-up operations were complete, all I could sense were the sounds of lava boiling and my own breaths. As I rolled onto my side, repairs were already under way. The deteriorized exterior chipped away as a new shell created by the collection of ether emerged. That is the rapid healing process of a CAST. It only takes a few minutes to recover the exterior. As for the foreign contaminant, it will take some time to nullify and excrete. It was causing errors in 27% of movement processes, expecially with my right arm. Responses to the arm lagged by a 74 millisecond abnormal delay. Accurate movements with it were not possible at the time I was testing it.

    As I stood, I investigated the floor to find massive footprints. Such monstrous footsteps can only be made by a combat-category ranger-type Cast. Then, there were smaller ones. These resemble Calai's footprints. She seemed to have been taken away against her will. That much is obvious. All I needed was a weapon of some sort. Coincidently, I was placed down next to crates. They seemed to have been forced open. Upon inspecting, all I found were five Monomates, a Frame, a Core Shield, and a Brand. The Brand is a blue-type photon Saber-type weapon. Although I do not prefer it, I had to use the Brand. My preference is a Rifle-type weapon as a means of offense.

    As a standard issue for Pioneer 2, each individual has a bracelet or an arm guard that doubles as a personal storage device and safety slot enhancer. In my case, it was an arm guard on my left arm. I took the orange box containing the Brand into my hand and pressed a button on it. The box vanished into a blue flash, indicating that it was registered into my storage device. I did the same with the blue boxes of the Frame and Core Shield and the green boxes of the five Monomates. The storage device also operates in harmony to the other pieces of armor equipped onto the individual. For example, the Frame being equipped onto the storage device gives optimal operation to the pieces of armor according on the enhancements of the armor selected.

    I usually did battle training with Calai. Although I am a butler-type Caseal, I oddly found battle training entertaining. However, my capabilities were not as optimized as Calai's. She is an official combat-category Ranger-type Caseal, which is why I had my hands on a Rifle-type weapon to begin with.

    Upon tracing the footsteps, I found myself venturing through more relics of Pioneer 1 inhabitants within the molten cave. It was not hard to trace the footsteps since the clearances in the ashes indicated where a foot made contact with the floor. I crossed over bridges, through steam, and through unlocked doors. Each room was as hot, if not hotter than the others. Even so, not a single creature or person came into sights. It was, as Organics would call, lonely.

    After some time of traveling, I entered a cold zone. I could see clouds of my own gaseous excretions coming out of my nasal cavity exposure points. The air was damp, the floor was wet and occasionally slippery, the walls collected condensation, and occasional organic plant life sprouted out from between some rocks. I also found some boxes. No usable items were found. I had some difficulty when I started finding CAST parts in the latter crates. It was like the CASTs were dismembered by lethal means. I despised the sight. However, I could not comprehend the intention. Processes often calculated that the CASTs were hunted by scavengers, the most obvious solution. However, in worst scenario, what if the military was involved?

    On the way deeper into the cave, I found a transceiver on the floor. Upon investigating, I soon discovered that it had a recording from Calai. I looked around and then activated the recording.

    "Sis, I'm apparently going to an underground resistance force. It's near a place with waterfalls. However, it seems they're planning on moving again. Hurry!"

    Upon listening to it, the transceiver sparked and fragmented. I stood up again and continued to where I believed she was heading. Hearing her voice motivated my energy reserves, making me increase my pace to a jog. I just knew I will find her soon!

    Then, when I came through a door, I found an organic down on a knee. I came to what looked like a FOnewearl in a pink outfit and tapped her shoulder. She jumped up in surprise and swung a wand at me. I blocked her attack with my left arm and shoved her away. I looked down to where she was to find a dismembered HUcast.

    Before I could speak, she casted Foie, a straight fireball technique. I dove out of the way to accidentally land on an Autogun, a blue-type photon Handgun-type weapon. I took it into my hands and strafed around the FOnewearl, trying to come closer as she continuously casted Foie. When I was too close, she casted Gifoie, which had a fireball that circled and fanned out further away from her. It seemed she was using it more as a barrier. Upon a brief moment of timing its movement, I dashed straight in. Before she could release control of the fireball, I tackled her down. Since she was a lightweight target, pinning her down was simple. However, even though my weight was overbearing, she still thrashed. Organic persistance is odd.

    After some time of simply sitting on her, she finally calmed down. "Finish me off already," she panted.

    "Why?" I asked.

    She frowned at me. "What? Going to mock me now?"

    Organics are interesting. My problem with militarized Organics is that some of them talk of death with little regard. Unlike CASTs, there are no official records of memory data transferring from one organic to another, let alone saving perfect memory data.

    "What?" the FOnewearl barked. She was shaking and her pulse rate was excessive. Her eyes shined intensely. To summarize, she was scared but attempted to keep a strong output.

    "May I ask a question?"

    She stared at me for a while. "Oh," she said. "Is that it?"

    I crawled off her and stayed on my knees as I faced her. "Have you seen a Caseal heading through this direction? She may have been accompanied by a RAcast."

    The FOnewearl raised herself upright and held the back of her head, where her head collided with solid rock. "I don't know, but that one HUcast is proof that my teammate came around here."

    I kneeled down next to the HUcast to investigate its cause of death. It was most likely an ambush because of the exposure shot straight to the spine. However, the finishing blow was the shot to the left side of the head. To a CAST, our most vital organ would be the head. Quite simply, CAST heads are similar to Organic heads and hearts. It was a guaranteed lethal shot if a humanoid takes a shot to the head, which is especially all the more reason to deliver head shots as a Ranger-type individual.

    Most likely, the FOnewearl's friend has shot to kill by the one lethal blow. It was all the more reason to stand and pursue to wherever the friend went. Even so, I was stopped by the FOnewearl.

    "I know you're going to follow him," she said. "If you are...!"

    "I am only looking for my sister," I answered. "I will not kill anyone unless they are willing to harm me or my sister. Now, step out of the way."

    The FOnewearl stared at me. "Promise me you'll not hurt him."

    "I will not keep that promise. Just know what I have said, and he will not be harmed. Now, move." The FOnewearl stepped out of my way and I headed through the only other door from where I entered into the room. It was more cold, damp surroundings. However, I was not alone. The FOnewearl was following behind me. I honestly did not want to waste time with her or that man following Calai. All that mattered was finding Calai.

    Last edited by ARChan; Jun 16, 2013 at 12:41 AM.

  4. #4
    RAGU Sauce ARChan's Avatar
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    --LOADING PART 3--


    "What is it, Daddy?"

    "Nothing. Ha ha ha!"

    "... Can you two stop?"

    According to my estimation, it was approximately an hour since the previous recording. Most of the walking was because of lengthy pathways that led to dead-ends. Apparently, in each of the dead-ends, we found some interesting relics. One of them was a rejuvination ring. It was inhabited by a deactivated Cast. I checked if he was operational. However, what was soon discovered was that the Cast was not a recent casualty. He had been there for quite some time due to the fungal growth in the shadows of where he had been sitting.

    Before entering the rejuvination ring, individuals had to open a link to it by simply pressing a button on our inventory. Only then will the ring respond. After doing the initiation process, I stepped under the hovering rings, one of the two rings decended and did an analysis. After the decent, the ascending process were the repairs and optimization. Apparently, traps are considered to be a part of the Android. It was relieving to know that my traps were functional again. As for Organics, the ring does the same. It analyzes but corrects and reenergizes areas. It does not repair wounds but it enables safer and more rapid natural healing.

    "Ah, that totally felt good."

    I looked over to the ring and found the Newman girl enjoying herself, reaching over herself and doing feline-like stretches. Only if she would laze and keel over so that I can focus on the objective at hand. I looked away as she readjusted her clothes. How was a bustier, arm sleeves, shorts, knee-high platform boots, and a goofy barret a combat outfit? The sense of coverage during combat can be questionable. Sure, if there was less clothing, there will be less drag and flexibility can ensue. However, she did not seem at all flexible and she was shivering as well. Plainly stating, she was unsuited for this kind of combat.

    When I noticed that there was a little shuffling in her direction, I noticed the Newman girl crouching down before the Cast. Seeing as how time was of the essence, I came over to her to pry her away from the corpse. It was rude to stare.

    "I wonder who you served." She reached out and touched his face. "Maybe we could have been friends."

    Re-examining the corpse, the remains was a combat-category hunter-type Cast. The armor heavily corroded over time and the color faded. Knowing most Hunters use photons, it was surprising to know that the cause of death was bashes to the head. No such residue of photons resided in the cranial fractures. The most probable intent was suicide when considering the corroded part on the wall which had dents underlying the rust.

    "I just want all of this to stop," the Newman girl said but more to herself. "It was fun at first--yes--but when I think about it, we're hunting scared people." She turned to me. "Caseal, do you feel scared?"

    The term was only words of a sympathetic fool. We, Androids, do not harbor fear. Our objective is to preserve and protect. We are expendable to our objectives. However, Professor Montague's Elenor displayed more than just those objectives. She did not express the thought of expendability when she shared the story about her sister, which in turn gave Calai the data to disregard expendability and process more about each individual's uniqueness.

    "Well? Do you?"

    I turned away and said, "Let us continue with our objectives. Lingering will only increase distance from our goals." I walked a little distance until the Newman girl snatched my left arm. I looked over to find her embracing it with a smile. "What are you--?" I fell silent when she leaned forward onto me and made contact to my face with her lips.

    She backed away and said with her hands behind her, "I bet you haven't had anyone love you."

    "Love?" I repeated after her.

    She smiled and walked onward. "You don't have to know what it is. Just know that you had a brief moment of love here."

    Of course I know what love is. However, data provided that love should only be expressed from two units of opposite sexes. Unless if the Newman girl is a boy... or was it that I am a boy? No, I am the daughter of 3rd Professor Felix. I am a girl. Then, does that mean the Newman girl is actually a Newman boy? Then again, she--HE might have meant the deactivated Cast. However, there was no attraction coming from me toward the Cast. Therefore, it has to be that the Newman girl is a Newman boy.

    In that case, the Newman boy is only worried about his comrade in arms. However, what is with the clothes? It is like a female Organic. Then again, there are records of men liking to wear female fabric but the time of this recording might actually be the first time I have acknowledged a male wearing female clothing. A male... A male?

    As we walked some more, a set distance was maintained from the Newman boy. Such odd types of male tend to be troublemakers, as my own personal records displayed that males tend to want to love females. However, why would a male want to love me? I do not make babies nor do I have the will to comprehend love at will. What was his intent?

    "Ms. Caseal?"

    I noticed how close he was and broke into a dash away from the Newman boy to maintain our distance. "What concerns you?" I asked.

    "I don't know..."

    I stopped and turned to the Newman boy. He stopped as well. "What?" I said, feeling the pressure of time eminant.

    "Are you really a CAST?" I turned away to his stupid question but he continued. "You're not like other CASTs."

    "I am not different!" My voice thundered. I was facing the Newman boy. "I keep telling everyone! I am me: a CAST and proud servant to my master! Why can't any of you understand that! I am like everyone else. No one else. I am--"

    The Newman boy clasped his hands around my waist. For some reason, ether supplies were being maintained but my intake was still rising. My system temperature was rising as well. Why? I cannot comprehend why this was happening.

    "I see. You have a soul; a pure soul."

    Did he know? I am one of the results of the Self Operating Unfacilitated Learning Project, or SOUL Project. The program operated on perfecting learning without cybernetic input. Some organics call it "Natural Learning," if that will clarify some confusion. This project was not a hidden project, though it initially was one to prevent mass production of a project that was questioned to actually be benficial to the Organic races. when putting all that into consideration, most projects that were made public were made secret. The SOUL project was one of many projects that were considered to be a major breakthrough. It was at first inspired by Professor Montague and more popular because of a relationship between a Newman girl named Elly Person and a computer AI named Calus. If anything, my interactions with the environment were inspired by Calus. Even so, I am comprised of numerous types of data. I am only a CAST: a being who lives and operates according to data.

    Last edited by ARChan; Oct 3, 2012 at 10:58 PM.

  5. #5
    RAGU Sauce ARChan's Avatar
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    --RECORD 4--


    "Hm? What is it, Sis?"

    "What are you doing?"

    "Nothing. Ha ha ha!"

    "... This is getting old."

    It almost seemed like forever since something different was seen. I was basically walking beside the Newman boy as he kept talking on and on about his times in the Hunter's Guild. He talked about this one quest of this one lady whom actually had to go to the Hunter's Guild to stop her husband from excessively buying weapons and gear from shops. The Newman boy said that the husband was still at it, even though he was told by numerous Hunters to stop. It was odd to know someone who would not stop buying weapons. All an individual needs was about two or three weapons to go about his or her life. Anything more than even five was a little too excessive.

    At least listening to the boy was enough to spend the time. The quietness and still life of the surroundings were repetitive, enough to make my alertness dull significantly because of simply replaying the data over and over. Before long, we found something significant for once: a place with numerous waterfalls. Calai did state that a waterfall was near the location of the resistance. It was interesting to even find a place with a waterfall and not flooding excessively.

    "Isn't this great?" the Newman boy ecstatically said as he started undoing his clothes. He then started tossing his clothes onto me, like I was a coat rack. "I've always wanted to check this place out!"

    Inspecting the surroundings further, the water was ankle deep and fairly chilly to the touch. The water did not contain any odd material that was known to be poisonous. It was fairly clean, like it was directly from Pioneer 2. There were some plant life. These were the ones that were absorbing the poison. When one plant was vibrant green, it extract a spore that looked like an airborne jelly fish. The jelly fish did not contain poison but would latch itself onto a physical part of the environment, maybe to become a plant like its predecessor.

    "This feels so good!"

    I looked over to the Newman boy and saw... No. The Newman boy did not contain any genitalia like males. There was even some enlargement to the breast. Those two were the distinguishing factors of females in comparison to a male. No. He had to be male. He spoke of love and I am a Caseal. Or was it that he--she did not care what gender I am and considered me male? Or was it that she--he cannot distinguish Casts from Caseals? No, for sure he--she is a female. In that case, what am I? No. I am a Caseal, a CAST who was categorized to be female. It had to be that the Newman girl was confused of my sex. It was best to tell her as soon as possible. She should not--cannot show love to another female. It is wrong!

    "Oh yeah... That totally felt good."

    The Newman girl stepped out from under the waterfall and headed straight for me. Water dripped off every end of her, if not rolling down along her bare flesh. Her skin was pale and her hair was vibrant pink. She looked to be a seventeen year old Human but scans showed that she was living for only four years. Newmans are not a perfected species with a set estimation of time for how long he or she can live. It was pointless to pinpoint the average lifespan because their lifespan were so variable. Newmans are best known as those with generally superior intellect and those who live and die looking young. Their existence is magnificent and a curse at the same time. They are often Organic targets of rape and abuse, leaving a massive number with wasted potential. It truly is a shame that a mothership created to find a utopia can be so cruel.

    "Hm? What's up?"

    I was staring at her as she was clothing herself. I turned away and continued forward. Waiting for her was a waste of time. Calai said that she would be near to a place with waterfalls. She had to be somewhere nearby!

    Then, an explosion shook the cave. Rubble crackled above me. The ceiling was too loose.

    "Hey, wait up!"

    The Newman girl! I turned to find her not heeding what was happening above me! I should just leave her be. She is not worth saving. Calai had to be in danger!

    "Wha...! The...! Ahhhhh!!!"

    The ceiling collapsed. A cloud of rubble and smoke rushed into the air. Loud crashes overwhelmed my audio sensors. My visual sensors were static. My energy was allocated into defensive and survival operations. The internal temperature was warm, but started to cool down. It took a while but my sensors regained normal functionality.

    "Unh... Huh?"

    I found myself on the Newman girl. She looked up to me with cheeks flustered and lips parted to say something. She in a state of shock. I stood up and surveyed the situation.

    The way that I was going to was blocked off by a collapse of solid rock. A high explosive can break the obstruction, but I did not have such a utility for such an operation. I stood staring at it for a while until I heard a clunk next to me. I looked over my shoulder and found the Newman girl trying to prepare a bazooka. Wait, how did she manage to take a hold of that? It was an NUG2000. That weapon is not standard issue!

    "Damn...!" she strained. "Why's this so...!?"

    Took it off her hands with one arm. Huh. It was not as heavy as she made it seem. Anyway, I armed it over my shoulder and asked, "Confirmation to eliminate obstruction. Awaiting orders."

    She wildly nodded. "My friend was the one who caused that explosion earlier! I know that sound!"

    I aimed at the rubble and fired the bazooka. Upon impact, the explosion took down the wall. It was wise to undo my audio sensors for the moment. The impact caused a massive wave of pressure right by me.

    However, the Newman girl was not so lucky. She was cradling her large ears. It was too much, was it not? Regardless, the path was accessible. We could proceed.

    Last edited by ARChan; Oct 3, 2012 at 10:59 PM.

  6. #6
    RAGU Sauce ARChan's Avatar
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    --RECORD 5--


    "Nothing again?"

    "No... Umm..."


    "Err... Nevermind. Forget I said anything."


    Another explosion shook the grounds. More rocks crumble down, but none were were as massive as it was from the previous recording. However, as I continued down the cold and rocky paths, the FOnewearl's hand moved into mine. I glanced over to analyze malicious intent but instead found her looking away with her other hand over her heart.


    Her eyes were distant as she was pondering about something. I looked forward to make sure I knew I was going. Daddy always said to leave a sorrowing person alone. There is an error to that thought. In fact, even holding hands with a person would calm the person, or at least by statistical data in previous interactions.


    I shot glances all over myself, assuming that she was calling out to me, but instead, the FOnewearl left my side and crouched down to inspect a black RAcaseal unit. I came to make an anaylsis of this Caseal. It was barely functioning. In fact, it was in an emergency hibernation mode. However, its energy was rapidly depleting. It freed my processes to run more smoothly upon the sight. The rate of how quick it was depleting meant that the attacker was not far. If the Caseal was from the resistance group, Calai had to be nearby.

    "Ms. Caseal." I stopped myself from walking off as the FOnewearl stood to face me. "What's your name?"

    I turned away. "Irrelevant. Let us continue." I started moving to the next door.

    "I'm Ciello de Molie. I'm from the 311th district aboard Pioneer 2."

    I looked over my shoulder, seeing the FOnewearl standing in her place. However... "Why is your hand over your chest?" I inquired from the distance I made from her.

    Ciello whipped her hand down. "N-nothing! Why should I tell w-what I do to the likes of you?"

    I assessed panic. Why would she panic? Besides, she had already disclosed her name to me. Why would she be worried about this? Annoying Organic... Same as every "caring" Organic--every selfless Organic. Selfless... What a joke. I turned and continued the path I was going.

    The walls seemed to have taken damage by different means of photon. Upon feeling a slash mark on the wall, it was disturbing to find it rather cold as a little water gushed out of the opening. It would be best to leave the location as soon as possible. Still, by the magnitude of the photons left in all the directions, if this "Jean" is by himself, he had to be very good at what he did.

    Then, I stepped into the next door...

    At my feet, there was some kind of dark-green sewage at my feet. I traced the sewage to the source, or sources as it should be known. I would approach the sources only if they were not behind a photon gate. It was like a monument dedicated to an unknown entity. Limbs were piled upon the other as bodies were dismembered and decapitated. Heads were piled to the side, each with a deep wound that were irreversible. Militarized to civilian, Casts to Caseals, new models to old--it did not matter. It was even more disturbing to the identification of hardened Organic fluids to the crotch of Caseals. Disturbing, grotesque, vexing--it did matter what word synonymous to any of those words. It was madness.

    Another explosion occured, making the pile level down even more. Calai... I did not detect any traces of Calai. Was she in the pile? As much as I wanted to know, I could turn back to this location. I marked the location onto my navigation application and continued northward toward the noise.

    My pace increased to a jog with the Autogun prepared in my hand. Time was limited. Calai was at risk of danger. Room after room... after room... after room... My system was overheating as more time was dedicated into running. I was--as Organics would say--desperate. There started to be unnecessary movements to the strides I made.

    Then, as a door opened, a yellow photon bolt just barely swept across my arm. I raised my left arm, ready to deflect what else would come my way. There was a RAmar with a Laser, a yellow-photon rifle-type weapon. He had dark armor and cyanic-blue hair to compliment the cyanic-blue linings on his armor. A facemask covered up to under his eyes with his headgear worn low. His section ID was Redria. He had formal training and was always close, if not dead-on to his target.

    Then, something caught my visual priority. A Caseal... White... Red-rouge linings to her skirt... Dark legwear... The way she twirled to dodge a yellow bolt and flipped over another around with her twin machineguns at hand and her white hair swaying to some invisible melody... Calai... A Purplenum Section ID. It had to be her!

    "Hey, Sis!"

    Calai's voice! I snapped out of my trance to find the RAmar already firing toward my direction. I did not know what came over me to suddenly lose track of something so obvious on the field! I raised my guard but did not brace. The shot made my shield overheat in an instant. Foolish! What was wrong with me? As I staggered back, he was aiming for another shot but Calai fired a barrage of photon bullets in his direction. The RAmar blocked every single shot with ease. I aimed--


    I shot a glance over behind me to fiend Ciello with her Wand out. I looked over to the RAmar, seeing his focus break in an instant. He was Jean? Calai...!

    Before I could even speak, Calai was already at close quarters with him. While low, she unleashed a fully-charged shot from one of the machineguns to his legs, shattering his left leg in an instant. No... I know this attack combination! She spun 180 degrees as the man tumbled down, just barely acknowledging the damage inflicted upon him... Yes, I know this!

    "Calai, stop!!!"

    A massive photon clap echoed throughout the scene. I stood with my visual sensors still processing what happened. Internal temperature was internalized to my core and my auditory sensors ringing.

    "Jean!" Ciello cried as she ran by me. "G-get away from him!" She casted a Foie-type technique aiming for Calai, but the fireball did not escape the Wand. Instead, she clumsily tumbled down onto the floor.

    I looked up to Calai, seeing that the other charged machinegun simply blew out the Laser from Jean's crippled hand. She simply caught him as he fell. What was supposed to happen was that she made the first charged shot to crush the leg of the enemy and then a crouching shot aiming up for another charged shot to something vital. There was enough time to aim for the head, if she did as she was trained. It was devastating, but even more so to the machineguns. The two machineguns she was using were destroyed upon use! There is a function to adjust the intensity of the photon bullets, and as was observed, Calai has a bad habit of breaking her weapons for these specific uses.

    Calai had set Jean down onto the floor, trying to take in what happened before her. Jean was cursing loudly in pain whereas Ciello was struggling to even move with her hand, again, over her chest. I came to assist her but she swatted me away. Annoying Organic... Trying to look strong again?

    "Jean, are you--?"

    "Ciel...! Fucking bitch! I told you to...!" He took seething breath.

    "I'm sorry!" She dropped down next to him and reached out to him. "Jean, I'm sorry. I was scared when you didn't come back the time you said. S-say... Here. I'll..." She began to cast Resta onto him but he swatted her Wand away. "Jean?"

    "Just...!" He took another breath. "Did you bring a 'pipe?" The pause from Ciello made him roar in his broken state. "Goddamn...! We're gonna fuckin' die because of you!"

    "No." She clapped her hands around one of his. "We're not going to die. This Caseal--" She pointed at me. "--she helped me get here. She saved me once on the way here." She paused to let Jean acknowledge me. There was still lethality being expressed, but not as much as when he was fighting us. "Jean, let's stop this."

    "We... we can't." His breaths were becoming more in volume and frequency. He was on the verge of fainting. "We only need... two more. Just two more."

    Calai groaned loudly. "This pish-posh again? Seriously?" She activated a Telepipe and tossed it, having it land and activate next to the two Organics. "Get a room, you two. Besides, you're better alive than dead."

    Ciello looked up to Calai, obviously offended, but she smiled. "Thank you... uh..."

    "Calai." She came to me and shoved me before her. "And this sexy thing is Fortuna. Say 'Hi,' Fortuna!"

    Again with her mockery... Even so, I bowed down and said, "Glad to have met your acquaintance."

    Ciello turned to us while kneeling and said, "Why not come with us? We can work something out. We--"

    "Nope!" Calai interrupted. "We have other plans."

    "But...!" She was worried as she tried to find an excuse, but she looked away after a while. "Well... okay." She tapped at her inventory and motioned something toward us. It was a gift. Once I accepted her gift, she smiled. "I wish to see you two again under better circumstances." She looked at me. "Especially you. Thank you so much."

    Calai loudly groaned again. "Can you hurry it up? That guy already passed out!"

    Ciello gasped in panic. I helped her move Jean into the portal and went back to Calai. With that, the Telepipe vanished. I was staring where the Telepipe was laid. For some reason, there was a void. There was something missing.

    Calai threw her arms around me and groaned again. "So rude!"

    I looked over to my side. Calai was frowning at me. "What is it?"

    "Don't 'What is it' me!" She pushed off me and said with a waving finger as she circled to the front of me, "No, 'O.M.G., Sis! I missed you!'? Or 'I want to take you home'? Seriously? Nothing?" She held her palm out with her eyes glaring at me. "C'mon, say something!"

    I bowed down from my waist. "Welcome to my presence." My head was against her palm. What else did she want? She has a bad habit of also not saying what exactly she wants.

    Calai made a sound and then sighed. "Good enough." She patted my head. As I stood up, Calai thrusted herself onto me, nearly putting me off balance and her arms wrapped around my abdominopelvic region. "I'm so glad you're safe, Sis."

    Suddenly, I pushed her away and turned toward a door. "Let us continue," I said.


    "Let us continue," I repeated. Then, I continued forward.

    Daddy, your creation is acting so odd yet again. Why did you even make a Caseal like this? She is not an Organic. She is an Android. We are both Androids. So, tell me this:

    Why was I smiling?

    Last edited by ARChan; Oct 3, 2012 at 11:00 PM.

  7. #7
    RAGU Sauce ARChan's Avatar
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    Okay. That'll be it for this week. Just let me know if there are things unclear, okay? I'll add it in somehow... just... somehow XD
    I'm working on a fanfic!
    Click here to check it out!

  8. #8
    RAGU Sauce ARChan's Avatar
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    --RECORD 6--



    "You did a good job!"

    "Oh. It was nothi--Calai!"

    "Ha ha ha!"

    Since I finally found Calai, there was time to process what happened. However, there were inquiries left unanswered when I thought about it. What happened when we were walking in the forest? What happened when we fell toward the lava? How come Calai was fine when we were in an area of extreme heat? It was probably best to not create assumptions, no matter how it seemed.

    "Sis? Where are we?"

    I surveyed the scene. It seemed the area was more civilized than were the previous sections, which had a lot of stones and rocks. At the time of the recording, it seemed Pioneer 1 inhabitants were attempting to create an underground civilization because of how organized and structured the relics were. In fact, although there were still rocks and stone still being seen, some of the runways and rooms looked like sections of areas in Pioneer 2. It is no surprise, considering that Pioneer 2 is supposedly modeled after Pioneer 1. In that case, it should be normal to see these structures.

    "Sis! Stop ignoring me!"

    I discarded her complaint and said, "I assume the underground caves still."

    Calai groaned as she crossed her arms. "It's boring... I want some action! I'm like so bored that I'd make out with the next thing I see!" She looked over to me with a smile.

    "Calai," I said in a warning tone.

    "He he! Just kidding! ... Or am I?"


    "Okay. Okay. I got the point. Stop being a dick."

    It was regretable to find Calai so early. At least it was not as annoying with Ciello. But even so--

    "Sis, I'm sorry, okay?" Her hand slipped into mine. "I swear that when we get back home, I'll do chores for a month. I swear on my good name."

    "What good name?"

    Calai frowned and gave a spunky flick to her hair, looking away as a result. However, her visual sensors moved back upon me and she laughed. Even so, I prefer Calai. I am optimized to cooperate with her instead of an overdramatic Newman.



    "What do you think we should do for Daddy when we return home?"

    Calai paced ahead of me with her hands behind herself. "A cake. Totally a cake."

    "A cake. Why?"

    She made a steady noise as she continued to... think. "Us returning's praiseworthy and worth something to celebrate about, right? Besides, we know how Daddy loves cake."

    "He would like it more if you did not consume all the icing like the previous twelve times."

    "Hey," she said as she spun to face me as she walked backwards. "Icing is really good! Besides, one time when Daddy came home with some cake from those 'Cake Sisters,' you wouldn't eat your own cake if there was even a smidget of icing on your slice!"

    "Correction: you lick it all off before I can even try some."

    She gave a nervous laugh with a hand behind her head. "Darn you and your memory."

    Yes. Indeed. Even if we argued, I would still prefer Calai.

    Last edited by ARChan; Oct 3, 2012 at 11:01 PM.

  9. #9
    RAGU Sauce ARChan's Avatar
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    Entry start.

    "La la-la la-la la-la la la la~"

    Today's a wonderful day as usual! Crowds of people--Human, Newman, and CASTs--were walking along with me. The shopping district--Oh, how I love shopping! Whenever I come here, I feel like I'm in a scavenger hunt. Item of the day is Sis! Now, where'd she be?

    "It sure does look very busy these days. Are you sure you'll find her in all this?"

    I looked over my left and right shoulders to find two small, floating blue balls with a cute, pudgy tail extending from each of them and a metallic plate looking like a dorsal fin. "Don't worry! All I have to do is go home and take that tracer thingy from Dad's room. Then, I'll be able to find her."

    "I sure hope so," the Kalki said. "It scared me when I found myself separated from her."

    "Oh, stop worrying! Have some fun, now that you found me."

    We're basically window shopping left and right, looking from the newest dresses to the oldest of antiques to the oddest of odd. Organic art is so fascinating! I love what they can come up with. I find myself wanting to know what'll they think of next.

    All's fine until a man tapped my shoulder. The moment I turned around, I soon realized it was a RAmarl. She was being escorted by two other men: a HUmar and a FOnewm. They all matched the same color scheme: Blue, red, and green--the colors of the military.

    "Excuse me," the RAmarl informed with a polite voice. "There was an order by Sir Principal that all CASTs need to undergo inspection. Do you have the 'proof'?"

    Proof? Order? What? "I'm sorry," I said with a laugh. "I honestly don't know what you're talking about."

    The RAmarl glanced at her men and nodded. Then, the men came to my side and... "Please excuse us. We need to escort you to your residence. Is that of any inconvenience?"

    The Kalki sighed. "Of course it's inconvenient! Damn military folk."

    I laughed and said to him, "Such vulgar words."

    The RAmarl raised a brow. "'Vulgar words'?"

    Nervousness added to my laugh. "O-oh. Sorry. I was talking to my MAG."

    The RAmarl grinned. "Another MAG whisperer, huh? Interesting..."

    Something didn't look right... Those eyes... That smirk... Immediately, I broke into a dash away from them. "Sorry, Kalki! I gotta put you away for now." I tapped at my inventory and stored him away.

    It wasn't long until the overhead monitors muted out the music and displayed a message from Sir Principal. I wasn't paying much attention since my priority was getting away from the military folk. Daddy's military as well. Maybe he can explain something to me.

    I came into the laboratory section via street portal and broke into a dash for our residence. Yes, that is right. Daddy, Sis, and I all live in Laboratory Block C-13. Quite a life, huh? Full of science and the stuff. Too stiff and nothing much to go by. Seriously. It's far too boring there, but it's the safest place to be as well. Daddy. I hope you're home.

    I typed in the password and swiped my arm guard to unlock the door to our residence. Immediately, in front of the door, I was welcomed by Daddy. I threw myself onto him to feel his embrace.

    "Daddy, Daddy!" I said as nuzzled my face against his chest. "What's going on? What's this thing about inspection?" I felt his hand carressing the back of my head. "Daddy...?"

    "Go to your room," he said.

    Evidently, he knew something. I looked up and asked back, "Daddy, can't you tell me?" He had this smile on his face. "Daddy, please tell me."

    "Go to your room and stay in there, no matter what." He turned away to sit on the chair he had set in this hallway of a living room. He had his face buried into the palm of his hands.

    Turning left has the doors that led to the experiment rooms. When looking down the hallway to the right, my room to the left is directly across from Sis's. Daddy's room is at the end of the hallway. So, I get to see who comes in and out of the front door. Trusting Daddy's order, I went to my room.

    "Girls... I'm sorry."

    I glanced over my shoulder to see Daddy. His breaths were labored and spasming every now and then. Daddy. You were like this when Mommy disappeared. Can't you at least tell me what's going on?

    Time went by as I stayed at my door held ajar. I was basically waiting for something to happen, but Daddy did not leave his spot nor even moved a centimeter. It's like he's waiting for an impending doom to happen. However, after another time going by, the doorbell rang. It was requesting entry into our home. Hesitantly, Daddy stood up and went to the door. He glanced over to me... His eyes... Swollen. Daddy...

    I closed the door but then tapped the wiring next to it so that I can see what was happening.

    Daddy opened the front door and in came... Wait... That was the RAmarl from earlier! Fortuna then came in and then the two men. What's going on?

    The RAmarl tapped on her arm bracelet and handed a hologram to Daddy. It looked like a warrent. "I'm sure you know about the OPSS, Professor. We need to confiscate this Android for--"

    "Wait," Daddy said. Then to Sis, he said, "Prepare some tea for our guests." Sis bowed and went into her room, which is also the kitchen. While Sis was doing as she was told, my focus moved back onto Daddy.

    The RAmarl cleared her throat and glanced for the men to leave her with Daddy. Once they were all out, the RAmarl said to Daddy, "We need to confiscate the Android for termination. It's the O. P. S. S., Professor."

    Termination? Daddy knew about this, didn't he? Was I included? What's this O. P. S. S.? I wish there were portals that went from room to room. Otherwise, I would tell Sis about what was going on. I felt so hopeless!

    Sis then came back out of her room with a tray of four tea sets and a teapot. She then poured a cup and handed it to her executioner. The RAmarl took it into her hands and waited for Daddy to receive his own. Daddy did so, but it was evident that he was shaken up.

    "Daddy," Sis said, "you look pale. Do take some rest immediately."

    Daddy smiled to her and said, "S-sure. Let me just..." He took a sip of tea...

    Suddenly, he started coughing. He dropped the teaset and plummeted. Sis tossed the tray away and caught him before his fell onto his knees, where shattered dishes were. Daddy...

    "Please take some rest," Sis said as she accessed her inventory to take out Daddy's loafers. "There is always tomorrow for your experiments."

    Daddy looked faint. He was scared, just like that one time. As Sis was guiding Daddy to his room, the RAmarl slapped a hand on Sis's shoulder.

    "You're coming with me," she commanded.

    Sis looked over her shoulder and said back, "Daddy's health is highest priority. I will perform this task unconditionally."

    "Stubborn...!" She yanked on Sis's shoulder, having Sis go off balance along with Daddy. Sis shoved Daddy toward the wall, where no shards of glass was as the RAmarl started to pull Sis away. "Me taking you is highest priority for me! Now, get going!"

    Sis slapped her hand away. "Filthy Organic. Mind your manners."

    "You...!" She was tapping at her bracelet! As a Railgun formulated into her hand, Sis already had a shard of glass to her neck.

    I noticed the men outside were coming in! I untapped from the security cameras and emerged from my room with Twin Vulcans and Kalki ready. I was already set in position when the men were arming their weapons. Sis had the RAmarl hostage with her arms ready to snap her head.

    "Stop!!!" Daddy's voice shook everyone in the room. "No fighting! Just stop..."

    He was rising to his feet. I stowed my weapons away and came to his aid but he slapped my face. It took me a while to recognize what happened. He slapped me. When I looked at his face, he gave me this look of disappointment. Why? Isn't it high priority to protect family? Sis is family, right?

    Sis released the woman and backed away toward us. She acknowledged I was around and asked, "Are you okay, Daddy?"

    "I'm... I'm fine. Go with the lady..." He looked at me and dropped his head in defeat. "You too, Calai."

    I frowned. "Why?" I asked.

    "I'll be okay. Protect Fortuna."


    "That's a direct order, Calai!"

    I've never seen Daddy this way at all. He is usually smiling, gentle, and energetic. The Daddy I saw was the opposite. Sis did as she she was questioned unconditionally and I followed shortly after. As I was walking, I saw Daddy watching us go with his usual lame attempt of a smile, but everything else was battered, uninspired... distant. I will come back for you, Daddy. Sis and I will be back. I promise you.

    When we were being shipped out from the lab, I clapped my hands together and prayed. Even if the Organics around me were staring, I didn't care. They can be food for the god I am praying to.

    Can you hear me? I'm sorry for blaming you for what happened not too long ago. I ask for your aid. If you can help Sis and me, I will be the soil for your fruits. Bring us back to Daddy. That's all I ask.

    Ending entry.
    Location is Pioneer 2.
    The scene at the end of entry is a dropship.
    Last edited by ARChan; Oct 3, 2012 at 11:03 PM.

  10. #10
    RAGU Sauce ARChan's Avatar
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    West Coast of USA


    --RECORDING 8--

    We both arrived in what seems to be an underground water channel. Everything around us had a green hue primarily because of the lighting. The water was evidently dirty because I could not detect the rock I dropped shortly after it sunk. Investigating the surroundings, I noticed a control panel near the end of what looked like a pier. Without much else to go by, I pressed the button. The monitor above the button should display an operator. Instead, what I saw was an unoccupied chair and cobwebs all around the scene. In fact, it would at least be interesting if I saw a body, be it alive or dead. Either would be worth investigating.

    There seemed to be a timer counting down. It would be safe to assume that it was for the next transport to come by. I turned to find something investigate but soon found Calai--What was she doing? She was standing idle with her visual sensors closed and her hands grasping each other. For some odd reason, she has been doing that for as long as I knew her. It is unique to find a CAST being religious since most are used for non-religious functions.

    Her eyes parted, seeming mystical, but the moment she acknowledged me examining her, she laughed. "Why the scary look?" she asked as she paced to me.

    "This is my usual face," I stated. It must mean I have a "scary look" all the time.

    She hopped to face me with her hands behind her. "So, if I recall correctly, this is a water channel that will lead into restricted zones, or the mines if you should call it."

    "I assume you have been here before."

    "Oh. No, I haven't." She faced toward the water and seemed to be recollecting information. "Do you remember Former-Principal Tyrell's Hero?"

    She glanced at me to see if I knew who she was talking about. Of course I knew. That hero was well-known, but for some reason, was spread around as an urban myth. Information of who the hero was became a mystery because of all the information and multiple claims that he or she is whom everyone spoke of. Because of this, the true identity of the real hero became accepted as a legend.

    Calai grinned. "Well, I guess the light in your head finally shines."

    What light is she talking about? The information might be a lead to an important task. "Continue, Calai."

    She laughed a little and flicked a lock of hair. "Well... numerous people and data claimed that there was an altered creature that lurked in these waters during the time of Tyrell's Hero's appearance. A scientist codenamed 'Mome' claimed that he accompanied a person who managed to fend off this creature by himself! Can't you believe that?" She turned to me with such inspiration and energy. "Not only that, this hero was the one who slayed a dragon that haunted the Central Dome relic!" She clapped her hands together before her chin with a smile on her face in wonder. "That Hunter must be magnficent. How I wish to kill that Hunter!"

    Yes, that is the typical way to trail off discussion about Tyrell's Hero. To her, to kill the Hunter would be a dream come true. Foolish ideals. But one thing is for sure: whoever is Tyrell's Hero is a Hunter. However, people become confused about being a Hunter-class or a Hunter who made a contract with a Hunter's Guild. Definitely, the person was a Hunter who made a contract with a Hunter's Guild. Guilds do confirm that Tyrell's Hero made a contract.

    There is a type of information law that Hunters, guild staff, and clients have to abide. They are:

    1) Information about contractor and clients cannot be disclosed.
    2) Information about the contract cannot be disclosed unless with official licensing or the client allows disclosure of contract contents.

    Failure to abide the law is considered a federal offense. In other words, those who are caught without proper documentation or licensing are at the mercy of the public military.

    Due to lack of input from the scenery, I inquired, "Do you know what kind of creature Professor Mome claimed to have seen?"

    Calai pressed a finger to her lips. "De Rol Le. It was a crustacean. It had a worm-like structure and was amphibious. It had a tough carapace and heavily-calcified head structure that looked like a massive dragon skull. It also had two antannae that extended from each side of its head. These were used to stab into its prey and leech energy from them. The tips of the antannae were strong enough to pierce through even military-class shields and armor. As a result of being stabbed by it, it ejects a type of infectious lubricant that infected its host to undergo mutations." She gave a sound of herself wondering. "Though, there are cases of non-organics being infected as well. A hypothesis was that the non-organics that had bacterium on their shells were the ones mutating to the lubricant and then affecting the non-organic in that manner."

    Calai laughed and spun before she faced me. "Quite a creature, isn't it? And to believe that this creature actually lived in this very channel! Isn't it amazing?"


    She frowned to my response. "Can't you say that with more enthusiasm?"


    She pressed her hand to her face and looked away. "Anyway, we'd be in trouble if we actually ran into that thing here. It's almost exciting just thinking of it!"

    Calai had an awkward way of talking about herself. When I examined-- there--

    --gradually decreased in--





    Last edited by ARChan; Oct 7, 2012 at 02:59 AM.

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