Hello! I'm using a lv.94 HUnewm and i can't play online . I know that playing offline is harder obtain rare drops , but i CAN'T find 80-90 lv. Weapons (i've killed hundreds of phobos/zaphobos in the shrine for akatsuki/yonohate without success) , and i've already done SH valley 20 times without find over-30 lv weapons . Do you have any advice for me? I still use 50 lv. Weapons and i want to do solo the SH tower in less than 20 hours (last time on SH i've closed my ds and put it on charge for night and continue playing the followings 2 days ). Any advice can be useful , thanks.
P.S:my friends don't want PSZ so i have to play alone. Sorry if I'm not good at writing, i'm an italian student .