Category: Tech-MAG

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Type: Tech-MAG  Type: Tech-MAG Top
Name Rarity Brand Tech PP Req Versions Compare
Pushan 14 14 Kubara Article 521 1175 480 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Okikudohg 13 13 Kubara Article 642 967 802 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Delpi 12 12 GRM 533 1250 401 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Delpic 12 12 Kubara Article 389 1407 401 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Coni 11 11 GRM 499 1207 368 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Conic 11 11 Kubara Article 355 1361 368 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Promoto Pit 11 11 GRM 487 1027 368 Ambition of the Illuminus
Dori 10 10 GRM 479 1166 323 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Doric 10 10 Kubara Article 331 1316 323 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Ranpegi 9 9 GRM 443 1081 274 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Shato 9 9 Kubara Article 395 802 215 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Stec Pit 9 9 Kubara Article 340 802 274 Ambition of the Illuminus
Pegic 8 8 Kubara Article 274 1200 251 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Pegita 8 8 GRM 400 1050 251 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Pegi 7 7 GRM 358 1003 215 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Pitoc 6 6 Kubara Article 148 951 161 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Rogapit 6 6 GRM 292 888 191 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Gorapit 5 5 GRM 247 867 167 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Girapit 4 4 GRM 208 825 118 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Rapit 3 3 GRM 148 738 71 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Gipit 2 2 GRM 101 701 41 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Pit 1 1 GRM 51 578 20 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable