Bogga Robado

Item Category Icon
Item Summary
Description: Knuckles skill: 3 hits
Puts the reactor in overdrive to blow away surrounding enemies.
Versions: Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of Illuminus
Availability: Can be obtained online by exchanging 75 Photon Fragments using the Exchange Quest at the Moatoob Guardian Branch.

Bogga Robado Details and Findings
Rarity: 7 7 Star(s)
Element Arts Type: None
Photon Arts Type: Skill
Weapon Type: Knuckles

Photon Arts Information
LVL Range Att % (1st Hit) Att % (2nd Hit) Att % (3rd Hit) Acc % PP Cost
1 - 10 191 - 200 - - 78 21
11 - 20 201 - 210 182 - 200 - 78 21
21 - 30 211 - 220 202 - 220 262 - 280 78 21
31 - 40 221 - 230 222 - 240 282 - 300 78 - 87 21

Bogga Robado Multimedia

 Phantasy Star Universe
Online Description
Contributed By: Jarek Phantasy Star Universe

Contributed By: Hrith Phantasy Star Universe
Launch Image Viewer launch viewer
Filename Size Contributor Description
68.mpg 1.09 MB KuroShinnen Demonstration Video - MPEG Format

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