• 180 Million Kill Milestone Reached

    Congratulations everyone, we've reached the 180 million kill milestone for Maximum Attack G! The prize for this milestone is a 10% success rate increase for grinding. This will be useful for people who like to grind their weapons to high levels. This reward should be put into effect sometime after the current MAG event ends.


    If you plan on taking advantage of this prize, now would be a good time to synth grinders. The synth rate increase reward from the previous Maximum Attack G gives better odds of a high-level grinder appearing! So stock up now and save them for the grind bonus.


    Now let's press on toward the final kill milestone! The elusive Sange awaits!

    Comments 7 Comments
    1. Dhylec's Avatar
      Dhylec -
      Hey, most are zombies, but some might have to go to bathroom or take breaks sometimes. ;D
    1. aanoi's Avatar
      aanoi -
      Max:G Is really bothering me =[ Every time on logged in i feel that if I'm not lvling on the Max:G missions than I'm being left behind of the whole PSU players. I'm already a fortetecher who doesn't have the 31+ techs like everyone else seems to have. It's actually stressing me out >>..
    1. shintaHakamashi's Avatar
      shintaHakamashi -
      sooo why are you stressing over a video game. my techie doesnt have 31 spells. just get out there stop stressin over a game and have fun. lvl up to 140 and go do mad creatures or plains over lord. solo it lvl up your spells that way or do sleepin warriors it dont matter. dont stress cause u dont have 31+ spells. get friends run with them. u dont have to run with people that mean.
    1. Crimson Ray's Avatar
      Crimson Ray -
      Is the last prize the (Sange) if it is, hope we dont have to kill over 50k mobs to get it because its a realy sweet looking weapon the only one i have seen without a glowing light saber look apart from the (Yasha) wich looks the same as the (Sange) but the specs are realy bad.
      Please let it be like the Rappy tips and get it in the post
    1. xMalphasx's Avatar
      xMalphasx -
      I sure hope the last prize is the awesome sange. I really need a replacement katana for my Creasabra which isnt causing enough damage. BTW anyone know when we get yasha? I want Sange and Yasha =)
    1. EspioKaos's Avatar
      EspioKaos -
      Yasha will be a boss drop in our next event, Mission Carnival.
    1. xMalphasx's Avatar
      xMalphasx -
      sweet cant wait. =)
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