Guides - Section ID Calculations

Untitled Document

-<>-( phantasy star online section id faq 1.0 )

by: miyuu

section 1 - what's a section id?
section 2 - how to customize your section id
section 3 - chart of characters and their numbers
section 4 - thanks

********************************************* look! snow!

section 1: what's a section id?

a section id is that symbol you get when you first start the game. some might
think it's determined only by your vmu, but in fact it's determined by your
character's name. also, it's rumored that some section ids might find
different, better items than others.


section 2: how to customize your section id

your section id can be easily customized by looking at your name. each letter
or symbol is assigned a number; you add all these up, and the ones digit of the
resulting nunber. for instance:

miyuu = 7+5+1+7+7 = 27 = 7 = oran

the ten section ids are:

0 - viridia
1 - greenil
2 - skyly
3 - bluefull
4 - purplenum
5 - pinkal
6 - redria
7 - oran
8 - yellowboze (heh, heh, beer)
9 - whitill

with most of these, the color of the symbol is self-evident. anyway, on to the
letter to number conversions!


section 3: chart of characters and their numbers

easily enough - provided in two different formats, one so you can find a
character in a number's group to finish off that number (you can make any
section id by simply putting the character that will add to your current
number, since it's all added together and you can add 9 to it)
remember, these are case sensitive. the "spc" is a space.

0 - ( , 2 , < , f , p , z , d , n , x

1 - ) , 3 , = , g , q , [ , e , o , y

2 - * , 4 , > , h , r ,spc, f , p , z

3 - ! , + , 5 , ? , i , s , ] , g , q , {

4 - " , , , 6 , @ , j , t , ^ , h , r , }

5 - # , - , 7 , a , k , u , _ , i , s , |

6 - $ , . , 8 , b , l , v , ' , j , t , ~

7 - % , / , 9 , c , m , w , a , k , u

8 - & , 0 , : , d , n , x , b , l , v

9 - ' , 1 , ; , e , o , y , c , m , w

i'm not quite sure why there are two <'> characters, either, but there are
plenty of others to use if you're not sure.. or you can experiment, after all.

as for finding a number for a character, you can use that table above, but i'll
make a more convenient one here:

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
56789012345678901234567890 78901234567890123456789012

1234567890 ()*!"#$%^'+=-,./<>:;?@[]{}_^|~
9012345678 012345678931546702893413345456 2

the letters seem to follow a specific pattern, as do the numbers; the symbols,
on the other hand, are all over the place. hope this helps you in your quest
not to have a big beefy guy storming down on someone with a pink insignia on
their chest. ^-^


section 4: thanks

i wish to thank gamefaqs, obviously, for not only providing me with the space
for this faq, but with the boards which i got the information off of.

thanks go to mr. angry for posting the character information and clan .. aww
hell, he basically wrote the faq, i just typed it up into neat little tables.

and thanks go to hobbes for telling me that the information existed in the
first place.