Guides - Reenee's Central Control Area Enemy Guide

Reenee's Central Control Enemy Area Guide
Merillia, Meriltas

Altered beast living plant creature that swings its fists at once. Merillia will run away if attacked continuously. The Meriltas can give off a blast that can knock down players and poisons non-androids if provoked with continuous attacks.

Hunters: What you'll want to do with both creatures is while you're attacking them, you keep them at a distance away with a Sword or Partisan, or use a Weak-Strong attack if you're using a Saber or Dagger. You'll really want to be careful around Meriltas.

Rangers: Simple enough: just keep pushing them with any gun. A rifle can help track down the Merillia as it runs away.

Forces: Merillia is to be Zonde-laden while Meriltas needs to turn into a Okay, just use Barta. Simply stay at a distance from them when you're casting your techniques.

Ul Gibbon, Zol Gibbon

Crazy primates that are increasingly annoying and evasive. While their slash attacks miss most of the time, they try their best to stun the user with a Foie blast from Ul Gibbons, or freeze them temporarily in place with a potent Gibarta attack from Zol Gibbons. The Gibbon pack will cast Shifta and Deband on themselves if a Zol Gibbon in their party is killed.

Hunters: Anything is potent against Gibbons, though it might be tough to get them together if you want to use a Sword or Partisan, but go crazy anyways. It's best to keep a Zol Gibbon occupied as much as possible.

Rangers: Again, anything works, but if you're like many other people, you hate Gibbons. Use a Rifle to keep them at bay.

Forces: Electrocution is what the Gibbons hate most. Zonde lone Gibbons, but later on, high level Gizonde will be able to reach further to more Gibbons.


Insect creature with the movements of a Canadine. Attempts to stab the player with its end when hovering over the ground, or shoots a needle that can cause Slow on the player when it is in the sky.

Hunters: Gees are a bit tough. They have less of a reaction time when they're hit (Canadines/Canabins will start to zip away from the user when a three-hit combo is inflicted on them, but you'll be able to barely get the third hit in with Gees). Lone Gees are best taken down with Daggers and Partisans work fine in groups.

Rangers: Mechguns are great on lonely Gees, and Shots will do the trick with moving Gees if the Gee is in the Shot's trajectory.

Forces: Unfortunately, Gees are just organic Canadines in disguise... Okay, bad analogy: their weakness is Barta, so it'll take awhile to get a group in a line to fire Barta successfully. Try taking them down one by one with a Mace of Adaman in hand if desired.

Sinow Berill, Sinow Spigell

Enhanced version of the Sinow series of security machines. Both have the capability to cloak themselves almost invisibly (denoted by a visible dispersal), and can launch a Gifoie attack. The Spigell can unequip the user's weapon with its fist punch, restore HP to itself and cast Jellen and Zalure on the player as well.

Hunters: It's best that you hit the Sinows from the sides and stay away from them when they've leaped away from you, especially in the case of Sinow Spigell. Swords might work in certain situations, but do what you can.

Rangers: Sinows can overwhelm you, so you might want to use a Mechgun on a Sinow. Actually, there's a good chance that even though there's more than one Sinow around, the others can actually teleport away from you and stand still! Continuous Mechgun attacks can prevent the Sinow from doing anything.

Forces: Barta hurts Berill while Foie hurts Spigell, but something to note that the Sinows have quite a lot of HP and even some resistance to their own weakness. Just keep out of range of their knuckle swings and Gifoie blasts. Keep Zonde handy to lock onto and orient yourself to any Sinow that has teleported and become invisible.

Guide by Reenee