Guides - Offline Multi Player Battle

Offline Multi Player Battle
This is a guide to help you start an offline multiplayer battle game. Have a memory card in slot B that you will be importing the other character from. Do not pull out the other memory cards at any given time.
Step 1
Press Start
Step 2

Select Offline
Step 3

Select Multi Player
Step 4

Select a No Data slot/one of the green slots to import a character from another memory card
Step 5

Select a character from Memory Card B
Step 6

Select yes.
Step 7

If done right, you will now wait have to for the character to transfer
Step 8

You are now taken back to the main menu (2nd character is player 1, selected). If you need to trasnfer more characters, repeat the steps 4 - 7.
Step 9

Select second player (or third or fourth player)
Step 10

Start Game
Step 11

Shows confirmation.
End of game

At the end of play, any transferred characters will have to be transferred back to their respective memory cards.