Guides - Reenee's VR Spaceship Enemy Guide

Reenee's VR Spaceship Enemy Guide

Native Enemies: Barbarous Wolf, Savage Wolf
Altered Beast Enemies: Pan Arms, Hidoom, Migium
Machine Enemies: Gillchic, Dubchic, Garanz
Dark Enemies: Delsaber, Chaos Sorcerer

This enemy guide assumes you've read the other enemy guides for the Episode One areas. Get to know those first (or at least the parts where the aforementioned enemies were listed) before reading up on these redone strategies. VR stages are kind of like review for the player, so they're not totally in-depth.

Barbarous Wolf, Savage Wolf

Frequently seen enemy, wolves come in packs in VR Spaceship, and aren't merciful to the player about entering in the most inconvenient situations. Once again, they're quite evasive and very annoying. There is a slight change when dealing with pack leaders: if you want the Wolves to cast Jellen and Zalure upon themselves, you must kill every Savage Wolf in the vicinity. You can sometimes get a few enemies blocked if you can get them behind some wolves.

Elemental Changes: None. Both wolf types retain their weaknesses from the Forest.

Pan Arms, Hidoom, Migium

Not seen frequently in VR Spaceship (though it does have the amazing ability to dig itself in solid metal...oh, wait, it's a VR level). Notable for having slightly lower defenses, making it possible to defeat a Pan Arms. But should it split up, deal with it like you should.

Elemental Changes: As Pan Arms, use your highest level technique. Though, as Hidoom and Migium, their weaknesses reverse from the Caves: Hidoom is now weak to Foie while Migium is hit by Barta.

Gillchic, Dubchic

Usually appear alongside with Wolves, Gillchics and Dubchics now appear in pairs, not the usual groups of 4, 5, or 6 from the Mines. Since VR Spaceship has some wide areas, it'll take a longer while to get them together. You'll see them in their normal groups of 4 late in VR Spaceship, but they'll be positioned so far apart, you can safely defeat them in pairs. As for Dubchics, they'll either appear in groups of fours, or in pairs with a pair of Gillchics to assist them.

Elemental Changes: Major change from Zonde to Barta. Forces are going to have to make accuracy King for this place. But remember, they're still machines: try to include a Gizonde while dealing with the wolves to get a chance at shorting one out.


Actually seen occasionally in Alpha, but somewhat absent in Beta. Will appear right next to another Garanz once or twice, but it'll be placed in its familiar ways (two in a room far away from each other, or by itself at the end of a room or in the center).

Elemental Changes: None. Freeze the bejeezus out of it.


Still as annoying as ever. It'll be in the middle, in front of you at a distance, or, hey, why not, behind you. Only appears in duos (not the nighmarish trios or the rare hellish quartets you're used to).

Elemental Changes: None. Barta that sucker along with the Migiums, Garanzes, and Gillchics an' Dubchics.

Chaos Sorcerer

Only appearing in Beta, it pretty much behaves as it used to. Rarely seen in pairs. Instead of bombing your head off with Rafoie, it's going to use Gizonde instead for precise aim. It still keeps its Gibarta and Resta, though.

Elemental Changes: None. Sorcerers require roasting for EXP.

Guide by Reenee