Guides - Rantz's Wine/Ratts' Cider

Quest: Rantz's Wine/Ratts' Cider
Award: Akiko's   Frying  Pan

This quest is a tutorial quest. Ratz sends you around doing errands to recieve "One Point Advice" from the people on the ship. Karen, for example, shows you that using Card Fever before Dice 1 will let you have 6 dice, but if you do it the opposite way, you only end up with 5. Pretty inane advice overall, and nothing that isn't normally figured out in the course of play, but still a kind of neat little addition.

Start multiplayer mode
  1. Go to point 1 or the door that is blocked off by a man in Blue. This is Ratz. Talk to him to recieve a request for "Real Wine".
  2. Turn around and go to the central computer. Oround the other side at point 2 is a technician. Talk to him and recieve "Homemade Wine" from him.
  3. Go back Ratz at point 1 and give him the Wine. Ratz is not satisfied, saying this isn't wine.
  4. Go to the Principal's Office and talk to Karen at point 3, recieve "50 Great Tasting Shortcakes" from her.
  5. Go back to Ratz at point 1 and give him the "50 Tasty Shortcakes". Still not satisfied, he still wants his wine.
  6. Go to talk to the soldier at point 4 that is standing next to the technician you got the "Homemade Wine" from. Talk to the soldier to recieve "Vintage Wine" from him.
  7. Go back to Ratz at point 1, give him the "Vintage Wine". Ratz tells you this wine is horrible.
  8. Turn around and run straight to the central computer. Talk to the technician standing directly in front of you at point 5 (not the one around the back), you will recieve the title of "Wine Idiot".
  9. Head back to Ratz again at point 1, Ratz will give you "Cherished Wine".
  10. Give the "Cherished Wine" to the technician that gave you the "Wine Idiot" title. He'll give you his most "Treasured Wine".
  11. Give this "Treasured Wine" to Ratz. You recieve Ratz's "One Point Advice" finally. The advice turns out to be that if you use Bind Kill on a card afflicted with Paralysis, it will kill that card. Ratz is a genius.
  12. Talk to the soldier or technician at the end of each of the other hallways marked with A, B and C. Each one will now give you another point of advice from Ratz.
  13. Head back to Ratz at point 1 and he will give you "Ratz's Sign". Ratz will tell you he can't find the Card he would have given you as a present, and that when he finds it, he'll give it to you.
  14. Take "Ratz's Sign" to Ratz in the Scenario mode. This Ratz apparently has found the card, and gives it to you. Your reward for this side-quest is a bunch of genius level information and an event card called "Akiko's   Frying  Pan."

Credits: -STE- and Arislan