Guides - Sub 20-3 Ragol Photos/Ragol's Photos

Quest: Ragol Photos/Ragol's Photos
Description: I heard from Endia that you've got some very skillful people here. Could I ask a big favor? You know that yucky place they found thats kinda like a living creature? I want to get a picture of it. But I'm kind of scared, so I'd like to have some professional help.
Dispatched From: Liz
Gained From: Request Man
Stage: Dolor Odor
Selectable Characters: Sil'fer, Kranz, Ino'lis, Kilrya, Viviana, Teifu, Relmitos, Guykild, Orland, Saligun, Stella
Rules: Default
Versus: Endu (Deck: Abundance of Flowers/Flower Riot)
Ends Tier: No
Dolor Odor

Blue circle: You Red circle: Opponent 1
Dark Blue circle: Partner Orange circle: Opponent 2
Extra Information