• Hacking Begins?

    lollipoplolita writes, "Hacking on Ep 3? Already? A person with a white name in an Ep 3 lobby and then suddenly changing his name to yellow! What do you guys think? Sound off in the forums! Picture brought to you by member Lit.


    Comments 10 Comments
    1. 's Avatar
      If that's Barubary, then it's a really lame way of showing off.

      He or she sounded way more intelligent than that on the forums.
    1. 's Avatar
      Obviously, Barubary is not the only one who could pull this off... And to PSOW- I think it seems obvious that this event was just what Barubary did a few days before PSO3 was released in Japan.
    1. atomisk's Avatar
      atomisk -
      hes just showing off, the good thing is barubary is smart enough not to ruin the game if he figures out how to do something like hack cards.
    1. 's Avatar
      Who the hell is barubary?
    1. 's Avatar
      actualy it was probably an altered picture
    1. 's Avatar
      ahahahahha dont u fols no who mrs love rappy is?? shes myria a really great hacker and nice person
    1. 's Avatar
      the hacking plauge was gunna happen if it didnt happen now it would happen later down the road by someone else other than mrsloverappy.
    1. 's Avatar
      Unless sega tries more stop hacking/duping it will spread through every pso game that will be made.
    1. 's Avatar
      i heard there would be more sega staff to curropt the people that hack is that true?

      february 04
    1. Jess16241's Avatar
      Jess16241 -
      well, yeah, everyone should have known that it was gonna happen, and if they can change their name colors, then they can do much more, they can move freely throughout the game without having to beat it, they can get any weapons (or cards) they can change parts of their copy of the game themselves, they can become NPC's, pretty much, when someone hacks a game, all they are doing is breaking a code that protects the game's information, and then they can change whatever they want, whenever they want, it just takes time, a hex editor, and the know-how, i have yet to see a game that cannot be hacked, and if people really wanted to know, they should visit some of these sites that teach people how to hack games such as PSO, there are programs out there made to make codes by just playing PSO while having it linked up to the computer, or on the computer, hacking is easy with all of these homemade programs that do most of the hard work, that is all i have to say here, goodbye
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