• A fond fairwell.

    God writes, "It is a sad day for every gamer. Sega's president, Isao Okawa, died earlier today of heart failure at the age of 74. He has been battling cancer for the past year, his presence will be missed.


    You may read original stories over at CNet

    Comments 4 Comments
    1. 's Avatar
      WAAIIIIII!!!!! how sad *cry* i will make a shrine next to my dreamcast.... *sniff*
    1. FluidFlame's Avatar
      FluidFlame -
      NOOO!!*cry* damn it! it was an assasin hired by microsoft, i tell you!
    1. 's Avatar
      argh! like the world needed that! WHY!!!! WHY!!!!!!! he is definitaly the one that beleived in Sega. He gave his life for it. But now that Okawa-san is dead, trust me, Sega will fallow shortly. So many painful decisions are being took lately, no wonder he died, he lost the little fate he had in the company, as I lost mine...
      The end is near, I can smell it. But after all, nothing lives forever, it's just too bad it had to end this way... -sigh-
      BWS-1, HUcast, VIRIDIA also know as "the mag_less droid"
    1. 's Avatar
      I have lost my character twice because sega has deleted it. If i lose it one more time well then im ruining the whole pso world.
      and this is what I am doing.
      a larger group of us are going to give out these items for free and in large amounts.
      Needle spray +99
      c-sorcerors cane +99
      Stag Cutlery +99
      +999 Opa opa
      All the people in the PSO World will not die.
      lol then how hard will this game be.
      ok I dont have to lose my save again for me to do this. Im starting today. Im doing this by joining games and putting 3 of these on the ground by the bank.
      You are welcome
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