• Another server maintenance and an updated quest again

    Excalibur writes, "Mamak reports: A server maintenance will take place tomorrow (30th of October, 2001) from 15:00 ~ 15:30. The quest Sunset by Secret base will be updated once again. For those of you who have the older Sunset quest, please delete the older one before downloading the new version tomorrow. Some comments were also given by Yuji Naka about the Famitsu quest, we'll probably translate them a little later (thanks to Thoma for the news)."

    Again, I'm 99% sure this is for the JP version of PSO only, I'll get the translation up soon!

    UPDATE: The new prize is the GAME MAGAZINE (or FAMITSU). We'll post a guide up soon for details for obtaining it!

    Comments 17 Comments
    1. 's Avatar
      fuck the japs, why cant we get the same stuff they do GOD DAMN YOU SEGA!
    1. Russ2576's Avatar
      Russ2576 -
      And once again the US is shafted. You know, I would looove to see them pull this with the XBox version. Microsoft would be all over them.
    1. Excalibur's Avatar
      Excalibur -
      Such postings doesn't makes it better..
      Mods, please delte it..
    1. Deathkiller's Avatar
      Deathkiller -
      Ah but Yuji Naka will be Unbanning all items with the Famitsu Quest so lets just win some and lose some eh?
    1. 's Avatar
      Without Mamak, this site would be shit.
    1. DarkFighter's Avatar
      DarkFighter -
      yeah they in fact do get a lot of their information from there
    1. Castelak's Avatar
      Castelak -
      Well, I could just not credit hearing it from them. Yes, I know I'm a horrible admin here, I've heard it lots of times. All I can say is, leave.
    1. 's Avatar
      Puhleeze! F--- Gates he only gives a damn about you money *cough cough windows cough*and his Cra...er I mean x-box. Whatever!
    1. 's Avatar
      Anyone know if they're doing anything else with this maintenance? Perhaps putting in the GS blocking stuff?
    1. 's Avatar
    1. Excalibur's Avatar
      Excalibur -
      very intelligent vocabulary
      go to school
    1. 's Avatar
      Boy.. Somebody has their cranky pants on today. =D
    1. 's Avatar
      haha Even with Mamak here, this site is shit. Hell, all PSO-W really does anymore is tell people when Mamak's been updated. heh
    1. 's Avatar
      The "other" anonymous, reminds me of exactly the kind of people I hate on PSO. Blah to people who think its cool to say "f***" in every senance. It only proves they have nothing intelligent to offer, conversation wise.
    1. 's Avatar
      Man, you guys sux, coming here trashing PSOW for what?
    1. 's Avatar
      It's because PSO-W relies so heavily on Mamak for anything. If you read the news posts, a great deal of them (far over 50%) read "Mamak-Int reports" (or something to that effect).

      Add in the fact that while PSO-W used to have the most extensive list and statistics of rare arms and armors, Mamak has surpassed them there, with listings, stats, descriptions, pictures, etc of about 99% of the v2 rares (they're only missing pictures of a couple of the armors and shields.)

      Tho not to be placed on the heads of the webmasters, PSO-W, as well as the PSO community itself, are not what they used to be. Simple as that. And when less and less people care about what you're doing, you slowly start to care less and less about it.

    1. 's Avatar
      Hope you both get anthrax in your mail
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