• New Xbox Live Dashboard available!

    TerribleDeliMeat writes, "When Live subscribers access the Live servers, they are prompted to download the new Xbox Live Now! dashboard. There are a few upgrades, including the ability to chat to your fellow gamers without playing games. A great way to keep in contact with your PSO buddies that have left the game.


    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Atax's Avatar
      Atax -
      I'll steer clear of it for a couple of days; Have a modded Xbox (Xecuter 2 Pro) w/ a fair bit of stuff in the F partition of it's HDD.
    1. AndyPandy's Avatar
      AndyPandy -
      Same here....works fine.
    1. Elmo's Avatar
      Elmo -
      i hear the banning takes anywhere from 1-2 days... who knows i might be looking for a new eeprom
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