• F1 Gran Prix & Jukebox Additions

    lollipoplolita writes, "ST announced some interesting news! According to Sega's Web Site and the new May issue of Game Gather, the first World-Wide PSO Episode 3 tournament is to be held in June.

    The official name of this tournament is "F1 Gran Prix - Who Is the World's Strongest Team?"

    This tournament, unlike the previous two, is different in that it will be a Team Tournament. So you'd better be tailoring your decks together with a friend if you want to make it anywhere in this tournament!

    The preliminary point rounds will be spread over 3 days, unlike the marathons that heralded the last two tournaments. Dates are as follows:

    June 2nd 10 PM - 1 AM JST
    June 3rd 10 PM - 1 AM JST
    June 4th 10 PM - 1 AM JST

    The qualifiying teams then play on to the main Tournament date on June 6th from 6 PM JST

    The winning team then also plays an exhibition match against the Game Gather Staff after the finals are over. Who knows what kind of decks these guys will bring to the field?

    ST also announced that there will be additions and changes to the lobby jukeboxs. For this, there will be a server maintenance on Thursday, May 6th from 2pm til 5pm (JST). Please do not connect to the servers at this time and please end all games before the scheduled maintenance. This will affect both PSO Ep 1&2 and PSO Ep 3. There are no changes to PSO Ep 1&2.

    Comments 29 Comments
    1. 's Avatar
      Instead of adding crap to this sorry ass incarnate of PSO how bout keeping up with the updates on PSOX? Oh and then after that hell will freeze over.
    1. 's Avatar
      what time is this gunna happen on East coast side,

      umm is US players invited also?
    1. 's Avatar
      yes, hence the 'World-Wide'
    1. Shrike's Avatar
      Shrike -
      PSO 3 isn't that bad. Also, hell is already frozen over, its a bitter place so cold it burns.
    1. dooley2k4's Avatar
      dooley2k4 -
      what songs will be added??
    1. 's Avatar
      well this info isnt on segas website on the us side,and its only seems to be mentioned on sonic team japans information.
    1. GyroidFanatic's Avatar
      GyroidFanatic -
      Don't worry. As long as the Japanese are happy, everything's going to be fine with Sega.
    1. GyroidFanatic's Avatar
      GyroidFanatic -
      Sega of America never updates it's page. 90% of the server-related news that is posted here is either translated from the Japanese site, or when someone logs in and sees the new stuff.
    1. GyroidFanatic's Avatar
      GyroidFanatic -
      If it's not on the news, we don't know.
    1. Stefan's Avatar
      Stefan -
      I assume that you got this info from the message displayed when logging on with Ep. 3 JP and that is also at http://www.sonicteam.com/psoep3/pc/index.html? It says that there will be a change in the tunes available, not that anything will be added. It could also mean that something will be removed...
    1. Stefan's Avatar
      Stefan -
      This tournament is not mentioned at the usual Japanese places either.
    1. 's Avatar
      World-wide, except at a horrible time for anyone in the US with a job, school, y'know, anything like a life. Even worse for the EU.

      Let's not forget the fscking EU players will recieve if they can even participate.

      Also, want to bet that in addition to nothing this week, Ep1&2 doesn't receive anything this month at all? The last few months have been nothing but Ep2 C-mode, holiday rappies, recycled seasonal stuff, and the uberly-lame and boring BSM.
    1. Mixfortune's Avatar
      Mixfortune -
      Well, at the very least, we know they are even considering doing world wide tournaments in the first place. Hopefully this will be a continuing trend (at differing times and what not, as well).

      I almost always play singles, so needless to say I doubt I will get anywhere near actually being in a team official tourney, only because of my lack of experience in such modes. I doubt I'd even qualify.

      But, I could try, I suppose...
    1. 's Avatar
      well it would be nice to see this crap notified on sega of america,hell they havent mentioned the dremaga and game informer quests when they were up on US ships and Japan ships
    1. VrginX's Avatar
      VrginX -
      Because hardly anyone plays the Xbox version....lol.

      God I gotta stop playing episode 3, it"s ruining my body clock.
    1. VrginX's Avatar
      VrginX -
      That's 4am to 7am PDT 7 to 10am EDT

      Thank god I don't have a job.....lol.

    1. YunKnight's Avatar
      YunKnight -
      One question, there are 3 dates correct? Do you have to pass the first day to play on the second date and so on? Or are there 3 days worth of chances?
    1. 's Avatar
      i hear a rumor that there is a cash prize
    1. exeq's Avatar
      exeq -
      Sounds interesting, but I am not a morning person. If I was I would join in on the game.
    1. 's Avatar
      In the previous tournaments, the winner has been given a certain amount of money that he could spend using some Japan-only payment system.
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