• PSO Blue Burst Draws 100,000 Beta Players

    kevlar_pso writes, "The beta version of Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst has signed up more than 100,000 registered users in Japan, Sega announced today. Open beta testing began on May 21. 50,000 of those users joined up in the first week of the beta's release.

    Thanx to David Smith of 1up.com

    Comments 3 Comments
    1. eRUPT's Avatar
      eRUPT -
      woops, fixed thanks.
    1. 's Avatar

      uh, what exactly is blue burst?

      i have seen it mentioned several times

      but i must have missed the explanation

      i thought it was a website

      but i dont think they do beta testers for websites


      so, could someone please enlighten me?
    1. cracka's Avatar
      cracka -
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