• PSO on the Nintendo DS?

    Getintothegame writes, "I just passed out seeing this, I have great pleasure passing along this news-

    According to GCAdvanced, there is going to be a Phantasy Star Online DS.

    Here is the article they posted:

    Top SEGA franchises on Nintendo DS? We caught wind of some unofficially announced titles that you can expect. In what is purely speculation at this point, a reliable source has passed along the wonderful news of new SEGA titles planned for Nintendo DS.

    Whether the titles listed below are currently in development or just in planning stages, you can expect all of these games to make an appearance in some way, shape, or form:

  • Sonic DS
  • Super Monkey Ball DS

    While those are the previously announced and/or rumored titles, we are pleased to pass along the great news of even more Nintendo DS support from SEGA:

  • Phantasy Star Online DS
  • Puyo Puyo DS
  • "Project Rub"

    Phantasy Star Online DS (tentative title), is said to include both wireless and/or WiFi play, voice command options with the built in microphone and of course touch screen options.

    The rumored title, code named, "Project Rub," is said to be an entirely new and original project from SEGA for Nintendo DS, with no other information known. Perhaps from the suggested code-name, the touch screen will play a large part in the games creation.

    I will keep you guys up-to-date on this news."

    Hmmm that would be pretty cool, hopefully its not just a pure port with touch screen options.
    Thanks to Skett for also writing this to us.

Comments 56 Comments
  1. gamemaster787's Avatar
    gamemaster787 -
    lol ya a sucky new idea cuz for ds to go onlive u "must" have wireless internet. atleast with psp u can use a usb port. ds sucks and always will no matter what. all of nintendo is getting more and more babyish like animmal crossing and @!#$ like that. o and what the $@!# is up with pokemon it sucks and never was good. the only part i like about nintendo is pso. their best system is snes and n64 those r clasics and will always be nintendos best until the day they try to go online more and go for the teenagers.
  1. RenagadeRappy's Avatar
    RenagadeRappy -
    How will it work well duh map/radar on one screen andgame on the other.With the psp you would have

    to squeze the map/radar on one screen and make them readable without covering to much of the screen. Anyway the psp's screen is barely larger than the nintedo ds'.
  1. 's Avatar
    hahahahahaha ya right its about twice the size lol and would it hurt u to look in ur inventory for the map lol.
  1. 's Avatar
    On the PSP it would be a waste of a game. the average person that would own a PSP wouldnt want a game that is time consuming like pso. the battery life is to short let alone the way to hold the system for that time frame. the DS being a new step in handheld gaming is the most hopefull way to give pso a true handheld chance. the psp is nothing more then a upgraded game boy or game gear in style and function. touch screens alone make the DS quite usefull for psoe1/2 style or ep3 style. my hope is its both and mixes the 2 styles together via the items, such as to gain card X find its hack and slash version and so forth. but im not the guy whos making it and they havent let me down yet so lets give them a logical and hopefull chance to prove the DS is a good platform for pso.
  1. gamemaster787's Avatar
    gamemaster787 -
    whatever i just hope that ninteno gets better with their games and stops making kid style games. pso is the best game that was ever made for nintendo. every game nintendo trys to make a remake of turns out really weird and messed up. such as final fantasy crystal chronicles. they made the game suck soooo bad they made the game tooo repetative and not enough weapons o and wats with its graphics it looks like a 4 year-old drew it. omfg what is the diff between the way u hold psp and ds????? i hope ds flops cuz it sucks soo bad.
  1. 's Avatar
    another mindless gamer has spoken. before you speak like a moron, look at both units and use your limited IQ to figure out how their held. hoping a system fails for the reason "it sucks so bad" is the most shallow and stupid thing that ive heard in a while. so called "kiddy" games offen tend to be the more rich in game play, for example wind waker or mario sunshine(yes fluuds stupid but its a nice run with a new idea). its the simplist mentality that kiddy is bad that is killing the game market as a whole. nintendo made neither PSO or ff cc. so please shoot yourself before you breed or think before you type on this fancy smancy thing we call a internet since you are judged by your actions and yours are well pointless and superfical.
  1. 's Avatar
    this moron is so psp happy its sad. why dont you look at hardware before you talk.

    ive found no info on the psp so called usb port and whats the point of a handheld with a cable in the first place? you cant even type you neandertal. your the reason pso is so full of nimrods.just shut up about your beloved psp untill final specs are realeased. if it proves to be more then a push for sony to make more money then i will respect it. as it stands now its nothing more then a glory grab for a new market where they did little research on how portables are used.
  1. MakoSOLDIER's Avatar
    MakoSOLDIER -
    Final specs have been released moron. Nintendo is trying something new but is too new for the general public. The PSP will dominate the handheld market just like the PS ans PS2 dominated the console market. Nintendo will become another Sega, and that will be that. End of story. Nintendo Fanboys are the nimrods.
  1. 's Avatar
    im far from a fan boy and sony has no released final specs - up untill weeks of the ps2 launch it was still a super powered system and it came up saddly short. and since when has pso been a common gamers game? the end of story comment really makes me wonder why gamers still play. personaly i hope the psp does well and sony makes more of a effort on the 2nd one they make and they will even if it doesnt do well. anyway this point is beaten to death now.
  1. MakoSOLDIER's Avatar
    MakoSOLDIER -
    If anyone thought that there wasn't any morons in the world, this guy just proved them wrong.

    First of all, your a jerk, and thats really low class.

    Secondly, do you know who owns the game market currently? Sony. Do you know why? Because playstation consoles have a larger game library of games that apeal to a mass market. Just because you still like to play mario and zelda doesn't mean all the other millions of gamers do.

    You Nintendo Fanboys think that you can go off and rip on any console you want. Your views about Nintendo get in the way of the truth. Nintendo is no longer the dominant force in the gaming world. Nintendo is no longer a generic term for playing video games. This is a MARKET, a BUISNESS. The DS may be "innovative" but it doesn't apeal to the mass-market. Nintendo doesn't know how to run a buisness in modern days, and Sony does, end of story.
  1. dooley2k4's Avatar
    dooley2k4 -
    The ds can link up to a computer with a fire wire and it has wireless built in it so the online will work. And there are 60 or more game being made by other company's
  1. gamemaster787's Avatar
    gamemaster787 -
    exactly my point i like u makosoldier i dont get some ppl tho lol.
  1. gamemaster787's Avatar
    gamemaster787 -
    omfg i mean kiddy as in games like pokemon. they need to make more online compatable fpss of rpgs ur the moron. o btw i have looked at both uints and i know sum1 who is in ont the making of it so stop telling me what i know and dont know u retard.
  1. MakoSOLDIER's Avatar
    MakoSOLDIER -
    ya that guy was dumb lol
  1. 's Avatar
    So play FFXI, punk.
  1. 's Avatar
    Nintendo makes Pokemon games because they sell millions of copies and make millions of dollars. <i>They're operating a business.</i> They do what makes them money. They don't care about taking chances with online (YES, it IS a chance, and NO it's not a good thing for consumers). Anyway, what makes Pokemon kiddy, the fact that it first came out when 18-year-olds were younger?
  1. 's Avatar
    Nintendo makes Pokemon games because they sell millions of copies and make millions of dollars. They're operating a business. They do what makes them money. They don't care about taking chances with online (YES, it IS a chance, and NO it's not a good thing for consumers). Anyway, what makes Pokemon kiddy, the fact that it first came out when 18-year-olds were younger?
  1. gamemaster787's Avatar
    gamemaster787 -
    no because its just got such a horrible story and its turn based wich also sucks atleast the tv show was good but now pokemon just sucks and is too simple for ppl of the age of 14+ or atleast where i live cuz no one here is retarted.
  1. 's Avatar
    ff 11 sucks as much as pso
  1. gamemaster787's Avatar
    gamemaster787 -
    wow ur just not happy with anything hey give us a favor and plz get arrested, act crazy, and get put in solitary confinment. so we dont have to deal with ur constant bad attitude about everything for a long time.
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