• One more thing...

    Episode III no longer has the FSOD glitch which was caused by the english code that was avaiable before the US version was out. There's no need to fear FSOD, so come on, get back online already!

    Comments 10 Comments
    1. PrinceBrightstar's Avatar
      PrinceBrightstar -
      No one's forcing you to play.
    1. 's Avatar
      If you don't play PSO as it says on your user info, why do you bother coming back to the web site and moaning like an old woman?

      We all still play, so why should we give a toss what you think? You might get a good price for your versions of PSO on Ebay if you sell them.
    1. Calibur's Avatar
      Calibur -
      if pso sucks ,why the hell are you still here
    1. exeq's Avatar
      exeq -
      This sick person just want attention. Got give him or her it and they will go back to there own closet to hide again.
    1. 's Avatar
      if you dont like the fact that i think pso sucks so badly then go whine to the mods and get me banned, considering that wont happen ever.

      but then again you all read what i say and choose to reply,i find it amusing that you dont choose to ignore or pass over my comments.and also i would like to see the proof that a FSOD patch was issued for the gcn pso ep 3, no mention on the official sega site nor any links to a ST mention so wheres the proof.

      oh and if your doing the news get off your throne for a few and actually fix the quest listing page on the left since its outdated also just like the info here and facts.

      oh and pso still sucks terribly.

      and i am a girl who decided to get rid of the crap that is pso,actually smashed the disks with a hammer i have and sold off the cube so take that.
    1. PrinceBrightstar's Avatar
      PrinceBrightstar -
      For your information, I was only given front page news access, I can't change anything else on the site.
    1. 's Avatar
      and wheres the proof that sega issued a patch for the fsod on ep 3?
    1. satoshi1's Avatar
      satoshi1 -
      Where's the proof that it sucks? Personal opinion doesn't mean anything.
    1. 's Avatar

      those who cheat on the game

      exploited the holes in the security and flaws of the games.

      the game sucks.
    1. 's Avatar
      if u all really think patching this stuff will work it wont.pso is hacked like hell and theres alrdy another way to fsod.theres 4 fsod's out.Lobbyfsod,corruptfsod,tradefsod,bubble fsod.sega cant do shit.they cant even patch the duping.they suck at making games.its so ez to hack
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