• Hunters Liscense Renewal and Creation Servers Back Online

    Getintothegame writes, "According to Scejntjynahl, the Gamecube Hunters Liscense servers are back online. Sonic Team responded to the emails with the following message:

    "Thank you for e-mailing Sega Technical Support. We apologize for the recent PSO billing server downtime as we worked on the billing server over the past several business days. However, as of Thursday, March 17th, the billing server should be readily accessible. If you continue to have trouble accessing your account through normal means, please contact customer support at: (716) 650-6701. Select the following options: For help with Phantasy Star Online press 2, For Information about signing up, reactivating, or canceling your account press 3, For information about canceling or reactivating your Account press 2, then press 0 to speak to a Sega Representative. Live Representatives are available Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:30 pm Pacific Time.

    This is good news. Now then, lets all get back online then.

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