• Phantasy Star Extreme Beach Volleyball- The Results are in!

    All right, the counts are in, they've been examined, and we now have a winner!

    So now, what we've all been waiting for: The winner of the Phantasy Star Extreme Beach Volleyball Fan Art contest is:

    SephirothXer0 with "Wilson"

    teh winnar

    Congratulations, SephirothXer0! The members of PSO World have chosen you as the artist most worthy to receive a shiny, new and legal copy of Adobe Photoshop CS2!

    For the sake of completeness, coming in second is Aeralea with "Thank You for the Memories" and tied for third is zakuman with "Rappy Babe", and Navci with "XBV Cover".

    Thank You for the Memories

    by Aeralea

    Rappy Babe

    by zakuman

    XBV Cover

    by Navci

    Thank you, everyone for participating in this contest!

    Untitled Document