• New Phantasy Star Zero Information

    An interview with Satoshi Sakai, producer of Phantasy Star Universe and now Phantasy Star Zero, was published in the September 20 issue of Nintendo Dream. Fan site Shougai PSO posted a synopsis of the article which you can find translated here. For quick reference, here is a list of new game details Mr. Sakai revealed.

    • Phantasy Star Zero is a completely new title set in a brand new world.
    • Zero's gameplay mechanics will be based heavily around PSO's. But despite this, the developers hope that the unique style will attract more fans to the series, even those who have never touched a previous Phantasy Star title.
    • The Nintendo DS was selected as the platform for this title to help broaden the age range of players.
    • Zero was selected as part of the title to invoke thoughts of a new beginning for the series.
    • You will be able to play with people you've never met over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. No details were given on if or how Friend Codes will be used, however.
    • PS0 will not support voice chat or vibration functions.
    • PSO's word select system is a possibility, but has not been confirmed.
    • PSO's symbol chat will not return for this game. It is being replaced by visual chat, allowing users to draw their own pictures using the stylus.
    • Many common item and technique names will return from PSO.
    • The developers hope that, despite this game taking place in a completely new world, it will still bring out feelings of nostalgia and other fond memories.

    Stay tuned for more information on Phantasy Star Zero. We expect to see new details rolling in more quickly as we approach the Japanese release of this title in three short months!

    Comments 21 Comments
    1. omkire26's Avatar
      omkire26 -
      I will also be importing this!
    1. Illuminate's Avatar
      Illuminate -
      I intend to.
    1. SubstanceD's Avatar
      SubstanceD -
      It sounds interesting although I am not to keen on the idea of the Visual Chat. We could end up seeing alot of pornagraphic images stylus drawn images going around. When I first went online in PSO with my HUnewearl someone flashed a symbol chat image of a naked female at me ( it most have taken that person forever to create that image ) constantly unaware of the fact that I was actually a male IRL.
    1. Seority's Avatar
      Seority -
      Cant waaaait!
    1. TQS's Avatar
      TQS -
      Sounds awesome but yeah I not looking forward to all the vulgar and racist drawings that will I happen with visual chat. I just hope my friends all get this game so I dont have to deal with that :|
    1. stllchlln's Avatar
      stllchlln -
      stylis drawing should be taken out and a typing system should be put in, also the word "help" and when you say "put a" it should NOT bet censored!
    1. Illuminate's Avatar
      Illuminate -
      "Puta" should be censored, but not when there's a space between "put", and "a". xD
      Cause I believe "puta" is a foul word in another language. o.o;
    1. BatosaiHimura's Avatar
      BatosaiHimura -
      How about shoes, prolong, spica, the mag Marica, and too many others to name.
      As for the game, it looks decent. I'll wait for US though.
      I just hope I can find all of my old friends if they get the game.
    1. zandra117's Avatar
      zandra117 -
      I hate it when I try to say "Lets get some shoes" and then the censor makes it look like "Lets get some s@&%#"
    1. Risingsun's Avatar
      Risingsun -
      I bet 20 bucks that the only way you can use visual chat is with the use of Friend Codes, similar to Advance Wars Days of Ruin on DS where you can only use the Audio Chat with friends, but you can play with strangers minus the chat.
    1. ForceOfBrokenGlass's Avatar
      ForceOfBrokenGlass -
      I don't know if the developers can ride on "nostalgia" forever. It did lead to a pretty gruesome turn around in Illuminus.
      Also, I've never seen a PS commercial stateside. I think there was one that never aired. Just a thought.
    1. lostinseganet's Avatar
      lostinseganet -
      See here is what they should do. Take phantasy star online and gut it epsoide 1-4 and make a complete remix. Add all the good stuff and story of pso fill in all the holes. Then add MOAR after epsoide 4. Oh and they should lets us meet red ring ringo. I always hated that you only were able to see her for a little while. She was so important to the story too.
    1. Tomeeboy's Avatar
      Tomeeboy -
      This title is sure to bring a fair amount of PSO veterans out of the woodwork (the ones with a Nintendo DS anyway). Maybe it will be like a PSO DC 10-year reunion... you know, minus a couple years
      Look forward to seeing some old-timers again on my tiny little DS screen... hehe.
    1. Saphion's Avatar
      Saphion -
      Too right! I loved PSO to death but PSU just wasn't for me.
      I'm going all out on this; not only am I gathering together all my old PSO playmates but I'm enticing a lot of my real life friends, who have never experienced PSO (but heard me prattle on about it many a time) into getting it.
      I'm looking forward to this more than anything.
    1. Illuminate's Avatar
      Illuminate -
      This is telling you what happens before PSO, which is gonna be awesome, IMO.
    1. Risingsun's Avatar
      Risingsun -
      I thought his game had no connection to previous titles story wise.
      # "Phantasy Star Zero is a completely new title set in a brand new world."
    1. bns1991's Avatar
      bns1991 -
      I think Nintendo should create a QWERTY keypad similar to the one used for the xbox 360. This would be a lot eaiser than the touch keypad that will be used. Typing messages will take forever -_-
    1. Illuminate's Avatar
      Illuminate -
      It is, it's set in Earth, which has never been in any PS title... Has it? o.o;
      I've never played the original PS games, so I have no clue. XP
      But it is a new title. xD
    1. Illuminate's Avatar
      Illuminate -
      So write them. '*.*
    1. jellitoe's Avatar
      jellitoe -
      It be fun to hook up with my old boys and girls from PSO if they get it, Sodaboy, Jin, Tingo, Skorp, Mariana etc...
      I just hope FSOD and cheaters don't ruin it. And "although I doubt it will ever happen" free online play would be nice.
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