• Gameplay Footage Released

    The Tokyo Game Show is currently in session and the first gameplay footage has been released by Gamekyo. If you have Flash enabled, you can view the video below.

    27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" >

    The video features a player using a FOnewearl to fight against the Rayburn. While the player does not appear to have a firm grasp of game mechanics, we do get to see following new game elements such as item boxes, switching areas, boss portals, and the combat system.

    Credit goes to Risingsun for discovering this video. You can join in on the discussion in this forum thread.
    Comments 12 Comments
    1. Mike's Avatar
      Mike -
      It looks like it plays a fair bit like PSO but that treasure box was a bit weird. I was disappointed the dragon didn't dig in to the ground.
    1. finalmike's Avatar
      finalmike -
      "While the player does not appear to have a firm grasp of game mechanics..." No kidding! He has absolutely no clue what he is doing! Still, good footage. Looks like PS 0 is heading in the PSO direction which is wonderful if you ask me, and I think thousands of others feel the same way.
    1. ForceOfBrokenGlass's Avatar
      ForceOfBrokenGlass -
      I think the flyby attacks made more sense though.
    1. zandra117's Avatar
      zandra117 -
      My only complaint about ps0 is the way the characters walk, theres too much bounce in their step. Other than that it looks awesome.
    1. Neith's Avatar
      Neith -
      The characters run as if they're on moon boots or something... aside from that it looked ok, I guess.
      It looked decent- nothing outstanding though. I just wish the video would have shown someone who knew what to do- half the video was the FOnewearl running round in circles...
      As I don't own a DS currently, but do have a PSP, I'll probably give this game a miss and just get Phantasy Star Portable instead.
    1. qoxolg's Avatar
      qoxolg -
      How come people keep saying this is like PSO? If you ask me this game is PSU with the old classes you had in PSO. The walking looks like PSU, the fighting system looks like PSU and even the boss looks like it.
    1. Wolf Shadow's Avatar
      Wolf Shadow -
      It's looks like a mixture of PSO and PSU. I'm still waiting for a next gen remake of the original PSO for the xbox360/ps3. I'd still like to get ps0 and psp if they come out in the US. I'm not that excited about either of them though.
    1. Arika's Avatar
      Arika -
      I can't see how is this gonne be better than PSU anyway. the run look like it is in framskip 30 or may be lower than that.
      being able to bring it anywhere mean nothing to me, when I can only play game at home.
    1. demon_reikou's Avatar
      demon_reikou -
      I can't believe they didn't cast reverser >= needs to be more of a nurse, not force :P
    1. Finalzone's Avatar
      Finalzone -
      Given that Phantasy Star Zero runs on Nintendo DS, 30 fps is to be expected. The game is similar to previous generation like Sega Saturn and Sony Playstation. I think Sonic Team is attempting to expand Phantasy Star universe to other systems and this version is perhaps a preview of possible expansion of PSU.
    1. uo0v's Avatar
      uo0v -
      I don't think its really fair to compare this game to PSU, it's going to be a completely different experience. Of course it's not going to necessarily be "better", its on a hand held. But I imagine this game will still feel as addicting as any other of the games.
    1. voxie's Avatar
      voxie -
      I agree, I thought it was just me, but the moonboots animation looks like it'll have to be something to deal with... If the stylus controls the walking, I think the moonbootage will work okay though.
      Man, aren't we critical?
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