• Phantasy Star Portable Officially Released!

    Today marks the official release of Phantasy Star Portable to the U.S. market. This latest addition to the Phantasy Star line-up lands on the Playstation Portable (PSP) and offers players the complete Phantasy Star Universe experience on the go! In addition to original content from Phantasy Star Universe and its expansion, Ambition of the Illuminus, Portable boasts a whole new storyline, new characters, and over 150 new items to find!

    Phantasy Star Portable is shipping to many stores now and our resident deal hunters tell us that Amazon is currently offering up the best bargain at $36.99 shipped! (see "More Buying Options" if the correct price isn't showing). Note: There are reports of stores still waiting to receive their initial shipments, so hang in there and good luck!

    As many of you have noticed, PSO-World's item database is currently being updated to offer stats, screenshots, and information for items available in Phantasy Star Portable, and we'll be continuing to work on this. For any information we don't currently have listed, feel free to drop by the Phantasy Star Portable Forum. In addition, keep checking the home page this week for an announcement about our latest contest and prize giveaway. We have some copies of the game and some great Phantasy Star memorabilia to give out, you won't want to miss it!!
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. Akimorou's Avatar
      Akimorou -
      I'm hoping Walmart gets copies, or that the offer the game on the PSP store. Though winning a copy would be nice.
    1. Larian's Avatar
      Larian -
      Yay! Just got back from getting my copy now!! =D
    1. Ryno's Avatar
      Ryno -
      I recieved my copy before game stop put the game on their shelves.
      it was still in their boxes.
    1. MeruAmura's Avatar
      MeruAmura -
      I need to score a new DS befopre i can run off to get PSOP
    1. Lord Hammerheart's Avatar
      Lord Hammerheart -
      So far I'm really enjoying this game. When I'm in front of my PC I want a game that's deep and it can be time consuming as long as I'm having fun, but I like how PSP is a streamlined version of it's big brother. The story is very 'meh' and it has what I call "Fire Emblemitis"...which is way too much talking with still characters on screen. I love Fire Emblem, but I'm not a fan of all the talking. Then again the online Phantasy Star games always have a weak story (I put about 10 hrs. into the story mode of PSU and that's all I could stomach)... it's the gameplay, weapons/armor, and building your character up that I love about PSO/PSU. Oh, I forgot just how annoying Hyuga is.
    1. Kinako78's Avatar
      Kinako78 -
      Winning a copy would be cool, but having a PSP to play it on would be even cooler. XD
    1. Paul_pso's Avatar
      Paul_pso -
      what's disappointing is its one of those games that uses a reduced colour palette.. guess that's a way of making games run a little faster.. but hell they could have run it in full colour with the cpu at full speed, id rather have 2 hours life and a nice clear picture at 333MHz than 2 hours and 30 minutes with that damn grainy fuzzy picture at 222MHz or 266MHz or what ever they used... at least it only looks like that during game play, in shops and menus and cut scenes its in 24bit colour.. still damn annoying.. and i have a psp 1000 from dec 2004, dunno what newer models are like but mines got one blury ass screen, must have a really bad latency cause moving around in most games leaves a big blury trail lol.. *sigh* and as someone else said the story is meh... lotta talking but the story is pretty empty so.. its kinda boring..
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