• Sega Corporation Management Changes

    Recently, there have been a few changes in the lead positions of Sega's worldwide operations. As detailed by the official press release:
    • Simon Jeffery is no longer the President and COO of Sega of America. *He will be leaving the company for a management position at*ngmocos.
    • Mike Hayes is President and COO of Sega Europe. *He will be assuming the role of President and COO of Sega of America as well.
    • Mr. Naoya Tsurumi is the CEO of Sega of America and Sega Europe. *He will now also be overseeing operations in Japan.
    These changes are being touted as a move to not only further unite the new 'Sega West', but also to further tie leadership between Sega's eastern and western divisions.
    Comments 30 Comments
    1. landman's Avatar
      landman -
      Specially for us, that see the differences between Japanese an western PSU servers, this could mean a lot in future games and collaboration between worldwide SEGA teams.
    1. TecherRamen's Avatar
      TecherRamen -
      I hope this means that sega will actually have a marketing campaign now.
    1. Dhylec's Avatar
      Dhylec -
      Let's hope the changes will bring needed changes to the West. Sega fans of the West are seriously aren't treated the same as the East.
    1. Kinako78's Avatar
      Kinako78 -
      Indeed. Maybe Mr. Tsurumi will help that change.
    1. W0LB0T's Avatar
      W0LB0T -
      Will we see any changes to PSU. Fuck no. It will be the same 'ol mishandled hogwash it has been since it came out. I just hope this whole management shakeup dosen't fuck with The Condiut or Alpha Protcol. Another two good games that they are distributing (not developing you numbnuts).
    1. Mewnie's Avatar
      Mewnie -
      Yup, Sonic Team is still going to be inept.
      Just now they only have one branch of round-eyed barbarians to snub, instead of two~
    1. ChronoSphere's Avatar
      ChronoSphere -
      That's what i thought/feared...
      Let's see for how long i will be able to endure it before PSU loses all it's appeal for me.
    1. MegaZoneXE's Avatar
      MegaZoneXE -
      Simon Jeffery goes from a COO for Sega to a management position at a campany that only makes games for iPhone/ipod touch
    1. aanoi's Avatar
      aanoi -
      Hopefully the new CEO for Sega America will push more updates and get us up to date with Japan :]
    1. zakura blade's Avatar
      zakura blade -
      good or bad who nos all i no is that psu is a dead stick has been for a long time ill prob be quiting in july after all we all no whats in store lets see after s3 stuff mag thay will add the so called big update wich did what.....................not much beside sega trying to get more $ for this game thats been junk for too long no ty slow boss fights dumb ai bad voice acting bad help line yes sega
    1. Rapping Rappy's Avatar
      Rapping Rappy -
      I have only been playing this game for four months and I do still like it, but when I hear all the things that Japan has that we don't it makes me sad and mad at the same time.I belive if they added the planets that the east has and the S3"s and give us the same levels and the 10 grand tickes ect ,this game would be much better and how about spending a few grand on advertizing you would gain many new players and in turn make the game better the more players the better the economy right? listen Sega add a planet where the gamers if they want to can partake in player vs player and BAM!! you get many thousands of new players and listen to me as a die hard gamer and a fan of this game a PVP planet would make big bucks for you. Now take out a few plugs on G4 and you gain at least ten to twenty thousand new players OMG you just might have to print a few thousand new copys of this game in turn giving PSU and new life,Please don't let this game fad away, you know it takes money to make money.Sega hire me I bet I could turn this game back to the days when gamers said Hell yes I play PSU!!
    1. garjian's Avatar
      garjian -
      pvp would not help psu...
      if its rewarding there would be no need to do anything else, if its not people will complain...
      also theyd have to rebalance EVERYTHING... things like Mechguns and regrant and ra-spells would have to be completely nerfed, thus making them unusable elsewhere...
      also... japan does not have more planets than us.
    1. ChronoSphere's Avatar
      ChronoSphere -
      I don't know what you have against voice acting... o wait, i played the story mode of the JP version :P
      Agreed on dumb AI... i wish they made the AI kinda like .hack//G.U. That was a pretty good AI, at least you didn't have to bring htem to point blank for them to realize there is an enemy and start acting according to their role.
      I wonder if there are any alternatives to PSU? As far as i know, there aren't (game system wise)
    1. Rapping Rappy's Avatar
      Rapping Rappy -
      What about Rycros the ice planet???
    1. Dhylec's Avatar
      Dhylec -
      Rykros in PSU is a dark planet, as mentioned in the story.
    1. Kinako78's Avatar
      Kinako78 -
      We've had Rykros for awhile, but it's not an ice planet. It's a SEED planet.
      As for everyone bitching about, "It'll still be the same", did you ever stop to think that you sitting here bitching to a bunch of people on an unofficial forum isn't gonna change anything? Now that it's under new management, maybe you should take your gripes and express them to the new higher-ups. It may work, it may not. But nothing's gonna change if you don't try. Even if it doesn't change things for PSU, they might take them into consideration for the next online game they release.
    1. Kinako78's Avatar
      Kinako78 -
      Dark, SEED, same thing, really.
    1. zakura blade's Avatar
      zakura blade -
      o ok take it up to the higher ups hell everyone who plays psu no that sega dont help you can email em and all that and thay still wont lis hell the gm s will tell you them self thay have no power i had a prob so i did the norm thing wich is puting a ticket then thay help................ya ed got back to me saying next update he was gnna fix my prob well gess what that update my prob was still there no help........for 10$ a Month thats just lazy n sad
    1. zakura blade's Avatar
      zakura blade -
      and not to sound like n ass but theres well over a 100 games out there that are free yes free were you see much better help and less prob so i dont think ppl are asking sega 4 for much anycase if you dont like what im saying just blow me off not trying to rune psu for anyone its just how i feel
    1. ChronoSphere's Avatar
      ChronoSphere -
      You do realize that those "free" games cost you more than 10$ a month if you want to really do something ingame?
      free2play games have to make money somehow, so unless you buy from the cash shop (or from the players, gl farming money), you can forget "f"2p
      I've been playing many f2p games for years, and it was always the same, wherever i went. And it won't change... f2p is the REAL money milking in disguise.
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