• New Xbox 360 Install Size

    Previously mentioned, many 360 users have been able to obtain the August 11th dashboard update early by way of a preview program. It was recently discovered by some that installing a game post-update will result in less space taken up on your hard drive. As of right now, there don't appear to be any performance changes in comparison to installing a game prior.


    AngelusInsomnus from the official forums has reported this detail for PSU. Formerly, PSU itself took up 6.8 GB of space. With this new update, you can reinstall the game to drop it to 6.4 GB. For reference, Ambition of the Illuminus takes up 1.92 GB of space.

    Comments 1 Comment
    1. S-T-H's Avatar
      S-T-H -
      Just PSU. AOTI isn't going to change size.
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