• Welcome to PSO-World.com's New Server!

    If you're seeing this message, you've successfully made it to PSO-World.com's new dedicated server! Due to the recent plague of downtime and other related issues, we determined that something needed to be done to make PSO-World a more functional and reliable web site for the Phantasy Star community. Unfortunately, this meant leaving Gamespy & IGN, our gracious providers of free web hosting for nearly nine years.

    It was a tough decision to make, as the site now has to support itself, but we feel it will allow us to make PSO-World better than we previously could. We've chosen a web host with industry-leading reliability and hope that everyone will notice a huge improvement in the months that follow. If you were previously experiencing issues with the site, these should now be fixed. This was a big move and there may still be a bug or two hiding somewhere, so please let us know if you find anything by posting in our Site Related forum.

    In addition to the increased stability and future improvements, we'll be trying out some different methods of generating the money needed to pay for all of this. Some changes to the ads on our site have already been made and you likely won't even notice (though it's worth noting that we are currently displaying less ads for members who are logged in!). We've also teamed up with a number of retail partners so that you can help support PSO-World simply by shopping online through our links, something we could not do with our old host. We'll have further details on these efforts in the coming months and thank you all in advance for your support!

    P.S. A big thanks to Ryna for putting countless hours of work into making this move possible!

    Comments 25 Comments
    1. Boxblaster's Avatar
      Boxblaster -
      This is very exciting news! I can't wait to see how the site shapes up now that it's on it's own. I'm expecting great things in the future and I already see improvement in load times. I'm also curious if there will be some changes to the site's rules anytime soon because of this.
    1. Tomeeboy's Avatar
      Tomeeboy -
      The primary motive for posting deals will always be to let people know about legitimate video game deals that are available. However, you are right that the deals served a dual purpose (an experiment we could not reveal until now).
      When we were trying to figure out how to pay our massive new monthly server bill (trust me, it's not cheap), we all agreed that plastering the site with advertisements, pop-ups, full page interstitials, etc. was NOT the way we wanted to go.
      We also discussed the idea of accepting donations or voluntary subscriptions, but I personally felt there was a better way to do it, which didn't involve taking money directly out of our members' pockets.
      By partnering with retailers like Amazon, we're able to provide visitors with a way to help support the site with no more effort than clicking a link and buying something nice for themselves (something they are genuinely interested in buying anyway). If we can save people some money and help offset PSOW's new monthly expenses at the same time, then I think that's an awesome alternative to having a bunch of obnoxious ads plastered all over the site. Don't you agree?
    1. Tomeeboy's Avatar
      Tomeeboy -
      The site is definitely loading MUCH MUCH faster. It's like a night and day comparison and I am really happy with the performance of the new server so far. We wanted to make sure the new setup would alleviate all of the issues we had on our previous host, especially the downtime and slowness. I'm glad you're excited, because we are too!
      As for rule changes, there's a possibility that we'll need to tweak things a bit to make sure we are in-line with the terms and conditions provided by our new web host and advertisers. This will all be ironed out over the next few months as we settle in.
    1. Kent's Avatar
      Kent -
      Wow, the new server sure is a whole lot faster than the old ones.
      I wonder if I can set my max posts per topic back to 99 without the thing getting its knickers in a twist.
    1. Tomeeboy's Avatar
      Tomeeboy -
      This was one of those annoying bugs caused by a configuration issue on the old server. Should be all patched up now, so go for it!
    1. Ovada's Avatar
      Ovada -
      Just set up some type of donation thingy. You guys have been more helpful to me than I can remember. And unlike PSU, you actually update your stuff. So I don't feel like it's a waste of money
    1. landman's Avatar
      landman -
      Congrats psoworld, I hope you have a long and successful life with your own hosting
    1. Ghostcat's Avatar
      Ghostcat -
      Hey I can finally log in!
      Great job guys
    1. NDW's Avatar
      NDW -
      Congrats on the new server! I love the speed of it now.
    1. Max B's Avatar
      Max B -
      Yes, I am realy excited about the new speed of PSO World and Congrats on the new server.
    1. Dragwind's Avatar
      Dragwind -
      This has definitely been a major improvement. We are free from the clutches of Gamespy!
      I'm absolutely loving the speed now. Everything loads near instantly for me.
    1. Neith's Avatar
      Neith -
      The further away from Gamespy the better...

      The site's loading a LOT faster for me- it used to be pretty slow on the old server. Now it's one of the fastest loading I visit- everything loads immediately with no annoying waits.

      @Tomeeboy: I'd suspected there was another reason for suddenly giving details of games deals, but it's a good idea. However, for anyone outside of the US, these deals aren't of any use, so there's no need to use the links for me in particular. Perhaps a donation box would be an idea for anyone who is interested. Don't force it on anyone, but put one up as an option. I'm sure some people who've been here a while would put up a little cash to keep the site running smoothly.
    1. Tomeeboy's Avatar
      Tomeeboy -
      You make a good point Neith, thanks for the comment. We'll have to look into our options there.

      We've received a great deal of encouragement and support from everyone so far and really appreciate it! Clearly, the most noticeable change so far has been the blazing fast load times... I'm loving them as well
    1. SStrikerR's Avatar
      SStrikerR -
      Well I had a nice appreciative post set up for you guys, but my browser decided to close on me, so there goes that. Thanks for the work, though, I'm loving the new speed.
      So, can we talk about private servers now? Just curious.
    1. Rapping Rappy's Avatar
      Rapping Rappy -
      Please tell me why no events on PSU?if you want me to quit I guess I will I would hate to I love this game on xbox 360 why why why no new event for 7 months Tomeeboy please could you answer really one of your biggest fans but being heart broken tired of GBR ,GBR is not an event. I remember how the new prez of Sega of America said he was gonna do wonderfull things for PSU Still waiting with tears in my eyes..
    1. Rapping Rappy's Avatar
      Rapping Rappy -
      How come we have not had a new event sence Shread The Darkness? are you tring to kill off this game Noone wants to play a game on a 4inch screen PSP can see anything.Please dont let this game die yes I know you dont care what else can I think? PS GBR is not an event wheres Gaurdain cash wheres Rappy Rooms wow I have seen nothing new on PSU only on the PSP aka mini screen. I have spent many days playing over 2500 hours and spent money doing so,If your gonna let this game die at least have it in you sega to tell us ?I will never buy PSP yeah very cool stuff if you enlarge it 50 times so you can see it.sO really I guess if Sega Hates Xbox like I have heard over and over Dont make games for it.Im a heart broken Rappy and I guess this Rappy is Gonna forget PSU if things dont change do you care ? I doubt it if what I think your doing what alot of us think on Xbox Live My god I have gr8 ideas on how to regain players on PSU but onone cars LOL I am a nothing Rappy ...
    1. Zabrio's Avatar
      Zabrio -
      this is a FAN site and has is not owned by SEGA, if you want to complain and ask why there haven't been many updates go to the official site forums
      also honestly a small screen isn't that hard to play on PSZ is fun on DS and I'm pretty sure PSUP2 is gunna be fun to play on PSP even if it isn't on a large TV/PC screen
    1. Zabrio's Avatar
      Zabrio -
      1 stop asking this question so many times,
      2 Tomeeboy does NOT work for SEGA this is a fan site, that yes SEGA does give prizes for site events to, but that does not mean they are owned or operated by SEGA.
    1. Zabrio's Avatar
      Zabrio -
      Loving the new server it's so much faster than the old one and honestly i don't mind having deal like those amazon ones posted on the site it actually helps when i am looking for a new games to buy ;P and if it helps PSOW I'll be willing to go through this site to buy the games :P

      And I guess we owe Ryna some thanks again for their awesome work
    1. Lord Hammerheart's Avatar
      Lord Hammerheart -
      Sadly I won't be here alot in the next little bit. With all the awesome games out, and after putting so much time into PSU, I've lost alot of interest in playing it. Still love it when I play, I just get bored. After my 6 months is up I'm taking a break. But I will be back eventually, and I'll get to enjoy this site on the new server then. I was looking around and I too love the speed of it. Congrats and Thanks! This is still one of my favorite websites, and definitely my favorite Phantasy Star site. Keep up the good work!
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