• RAmarl and RAcast Screenshots

    New character screenshots were recently released for the RAmarl and RAcast classes in Phantasy Star Online 2!

    RAmarl RAcast
    RAmarl and RAcast

    Both character designs draw on their Phantasy Star Online roots, while incorporating design aesthetics from Phantasy Star Universe. It will be interesting to see clothing customization options for these classes.

    Credit goes to Mike for bringing us this news. You can discuss these screenshots in this forum thread.

    Comments 28 Comments
    1. M3rror's Avatar
      M3rror -
      Well, that's more so speculation on my part. When you look at what's in the game, everything seems to point towards PSP2i. Heck, the games were made along side each other. And even though we never see enemy data (names and such), there are a few things I noticed. (Seriously wished I knew how to break lines XD) # Drastic item synthesis overhaul - Like in PSU I'm sure. Whether or not this is required to make powerful weapons much like in PSU *which is retarded* beats me. I doubt they're going to force you to have to use this much like in PSU. However, that doesn't break the fact that elemental attributes can be added to weapons. Now with every theory is a counter claim. If it were to follow this so-called PSO style and not just for hype, then instead of the elemental attributes in the process it could be the original 4 stats (Native,A.Beast,Machine,Dark) and retain the original rules that followed. However, that would cause serious imbalance issues. Why find that weapon and take ages to find good stats or even some stats when you can just make it? (Which was the whole basis of PSO having near impossible drops, subscriptions) In a way, you could levy the damage by making user created items have 0 hit, but then again, no one would use the system if that was the case (or at least Rangers won't). Albeit the elemental system is not any better (cause that crap screws over even the best of weapons), I don't see them getting rid of attributes all together. # Seasonal changes - This is total speculation yes. But, having a seasonal changes just for aesthetics is not that appealling. It has to alter the gameplay in some way for it to be interesting (Just look at Pokemon B/W). So, in a sense we can predict enemies could have these elemental attributes returning and some changing based on the seasons. However (again...), this could probably just only apply to Forces. Like in PSO, tech damage was different for each enemy and you never really knew what spell to use until you used them all and calculated the damage. Since they're trying to make the game easier for new players, bringing back that old system from PSU would help new FO's know what tech to use. More so, instead of displaying the enemies element (because PSO only has 3 and none of them really beat each other like PSU followed), it would display their weakness. If enemy data could of been shown, then it would explain it all what further content of weapons are like. Even though it is only alpha, I could see a Libra tech or such to see enemy stats. It is something PS has been lacking and could use even if some say it "kills the fun." They're are not that many techniques out there afterall. Or... I could be horribly wrong and what they really meant by item synthesis was just being able to customize the weapons special attack and extra stats are gone completely or still there, but in one of the ways I stated. Who knows... but SEGA really needs to think on this one. They've stated Racial Balances but so far, that's never happened.
    1. HsBlaze's Avatar
      HsBlaze -
      looking great to me! cant wait for more pic and info.
    1. striker0's Avatar
      striker0 -
      I love the design of the RAcast. It looks like the designers took some key points from the Gundam and most mecha franchises, namely a slightly smaller head to a larger body makes it look more menacing, as well as just some of the other design aspects. I can only hope that it has the same heavy sound to it like the PSO RAcast had.
    1. Seasqwaa's Avatar
      Seasqwaa -
      Although I've never heard of PSO2 using the same engine, it could very well be possible.
      However, engines can get enough modifications to make something completely new looking and actually, quite exceed its prior creations.
      The models aren't the same. It's pretty clear that they have different skeletons, meshes, and the works. They still go for the same general look, but really do look new.
      Though I can't see this taking much more computing power than PSU, I will say that the lighting/shadows might just get ya. My old graphics card had horrible lighting support, and it bogged down certain effects like crazy.
      In the end though, if you can run PSU you'll most likely be able to run PSO2.
    1. M3rror's Avatar
      M3rror -
      That is not new. It's only meant to look new. Trust me, all they did was add more objects to be rendered. Graphics haven't changed. When I meant the models are the same, I didn't mean they just added new textures to them. Look at the pixelated curves and such. That's the same stuff from PSU (To those geeks out there, SEGA fails at Anti-Aliasing). To quote a few ppl off PSUmods: "Looks awesome? Dude, the environment is still ugly as *bleep*. And characters... are a little higher resolution PSU characters." - Essen ; Example image up close http://users.wordpainter.net/noda/psu/polyflower.jpg ; "Really though to those disappointed I'm suprised you got your hopes so high tbh considering it's Phantasy Star." - Raujinn. I'll just stop there before this post gets big. It might not be exactly the same engine, but it has not improved much from PSU except wtih just higher resolution and physics. It's nothing to brag about. At least there's new content. But slapping the Online part to the title should of been taken out. That more so makes me mad that they did that when the game is barely 5% PSO from what we've seen. It's not just the additional content, I like that, but it's the fact that the story has nothing to do with the original story. Yes, the creators have stated that. Sure there were other Pioneer Projects as we saw in Infinity, but that doesn't mean each Pioneer Project gets its own PSO game.
    1. Kevin PSO's Avatar
      Kevin PSO -
      Cool. Now all I need are screenshots of a RAmar in Phantasy Star Online 2.
    1. TakonePig's Avatar
      TakonePig -
      RAcast's design is nice enough, but I preferred RAcast on PSO
    1. TheColdZephyr's Avatar
      TheColdZephyr -
      Not really liking the RAmarl as she stands right now, mostly because of the puffy beret and uncovered portions of her legs. Always imagined them as a mercenary or professional soldier type, so I don't like the exposed skin.
      RAcast is still looking like a tank. Making them anything but the tallest possible in PSO always seemed like a disservice to their design, which appears to be built around heavy weapons. All that bulk is armour, but it also helps them absorb immense recoil. When they jump, I want to see a crater when they land, and their footsteps should be as loud as ever. I could only bear to use maybe one of their head designs in PSO: the saucer head and skull spike were ridiculously stupid. Given the streamlined and semi-organic designs of the other Casts, including the HUcast, these guys always struck me as military surplus upgraded with free will.
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