• Phantasy Star Online 2 Pre-Open Beta Scheduled for June 15th & 16th

    The Japanese Phantasy Star Online 2 Pre-Open Beta has been scheduled for June 15th and June 16th. The playtime window will be limited each day to the following hours:
    • Eastern Standard Time: 6am to 11am
    • Pacific Standard Time: 3am to 8am

    Character data will be wiped once the Pre-Open Beta is completed. Also, characters will receive a code for a Bouquet Rifle if a specific Desert Mission is completed. The Bouquet Rifle will be delivered to users sometime during the Open Beta test.

    If the Pre-Open Beta is successful, the Open Beta will start immediately after Pre-Open Beta ends.

    Credit goes to ShadowDragon28 and FenixStryk for bringing us this news. You can share your thoughts in this forum thread.
    Comments 101 Comments
    1. Kaiser4356's Avatar
      Kaiser4356 -
      The error you probably got was the one with the server currently down. They shut down server after the pre-beta was done so they could work on updating and getting the game ready for open beta. If you get errors and cannot read them, copy and paste in Google Translator and it will tell you what it states. and the 602 error code that i read up some one had ,and if i recall, it meant that ether the server was under maintenance or you were already logged in under that name. I got that yesterday when i tested the game out before the servers went online. Anyway as of now the servers are down and you will not be able to do updates etc. till they come back online.
    1. Stearns's Avatar
      Stearns -
      Didn't see anything definitive about MAGs' but I reckon I saw a member of a party I was with do something that looked a lot like a Photon Blast. Was it just me, though, that thought the AI of the mobs was a bit too... dumb? It was a bit too much mindless hack&slash once you got ahold of a decent weapon.
      On another note, Graven, looking into pre-purchasing GW2 or holding out to the full release? Because me and the missus will be shredding that game, haha, and we've both pre-purchased. Would be fun to have another premade with us.
    1. Kaiser4356's Avatar
      Kaiser4356 -
      Also, I just found out that open beta will begin on June 21st (Thursday). at 1600 Japanese time. the pre-beta installation of PSO2 can still be left on computer for it can be used for open beta. So there is no need to uninstall for new one. Once again i do hope to see a lot of you there and play to our heats content before the next close off of the game before opening. I will also post link to official announcement of release date. Use Google Chrome or another browser with translator to read. See you all on there. I go under Rashaga, a male gunner cast.
    1. Stearns's Avatar
      Stearns -
      If you'd really like, I could do you my installation files on my server. Reckon it would be enough to just download the files and insert them into your installation directory. Drop me a PM in that case.
    1. Stearns's Avatar
      Stearns -
      Is there any general consensus on what ship we'll try to gather on, by the way? As we'll be starting on a clean slate due OB, we might as well try to group up.
      I say ship 2, can I get an aye?
    1. StepsonuTM's Avatar
      StepsonuTM -
      oh, I guess that figures, well When i was close to complete update it gave me this error, which i cant read unfortunately & didnt take a snap shot of it ,well Hopefully when the servers come back online, no problems will occur . I did the Update installation at 9:00pm (Pacific time) & the Error happened around 12:00pm (pacific time),but if i do end up receiving this problem on the 21st OBT, i will look up what my error happens to be telling me & might end up using one of you guys' help, which btw i appreciate for the response.Also, hope those of you who attended on the pre-obt had a blast(:Never attended in any of the Betas, which comes to make me sad.
    1. StepsonuTM's Avatar
      StepsonuTM -
      oh, I guess that figures, well When i was close to complete update it gave me this error, which i cant read unfortunately & didnt take a snap shot of it ,well Hopefully when the servers come back online, no problems will occur . I did the Update installation at 9:00pm (Pacific time) & the Error happened around 12:00pm (pacific time),but if i do end up receiving this problem on the 21st OBT, i will look up what my error happens to be telling me & might end up using one of you guys' help, which btw i appreciate for the response.Also, hope those of you who attended on the pre-obt had a blast(:Never attended in any of the Betas, which comes to make me sad.
    1. StepsonuTM's Avatar
      StepsonuTM -
      Okay now my only question is, i have now completed the update & so im on the Sign in part for pso2, how is it to i sign in, i dint matter if i type my name in english, bit confuse .
    1. Kaiser4356's Avatar
      Kaiser4356 -
      Alright to answer your guys questions. When open beta starts all of your character data will be wiped, it is a fresh, clean slate for all to start. If you guys do want a get together when it starts, i would prob recommend ship 2 or 3. Since as how 1 went into yellow zone during its 2ND day of pre-beta. It may be more full as soon as it starts. And for logging in, if you registered your ID password etc in English, you log in the same way as ya typed it in your registration. Hope this helps y'all bit more and if you have any more questions i will help to the best of my abilities.
    1. Graven's Avatar
      Graven -
      I was thinking about waiting for full release, because, i would like to see some reviews on the game, before expeding money, specially because, i didn't play the first one, so i'm not acquainted with the series.
      I heard the those who pre-purchased have access to beta weekends or something, so they can already play the game on some specific dates, is it like that?
    1. Vylera's Avatar
      Vylera -
      If I'm not mistaken, most of the PSO-world community has already decided on making ship 2 their homeship.
    1. Chibi Cast Master's Avatar
      Chibi Cast Master -
      I'm thinking that too
    1. Stearns's Avatar
      Stearns -
      Personally I consider GW2 to be a breath of fresh air. They've taken everything that was good about the first one and made it even better (especially focusing on improving the criticized parts e.g instanced zones). I'm not going to rant on about it but pretty much every review I've seen rates it high, although I have to say that GW2's PvP system is in a class of itself. You'll definitely love the gameplay if you enjoy PSO2 as they're both very interactive and require quick reactions. Yeah, if you pre-purchase the game you get access to the beta events which, supposedly, should be going down one weekend per month until release date (as stated on a developers blog). If you want to talk about it drop me a PM, reckon we've gone a bit off-topic, haha.
    1. Graven's Avatar
      Graven -
      Agreed, let's not deviate from the purpose of this article. Thx for the information, if i decide to buy the game in the future, i will pm you for some intel.
    1. Rootsuki's Avatar
      Rootsuki -
      Something else I forgot to ask. Has anyone found an english patch? Link?
    1. Chibi Cast Master's Avatar
      Chibi Cast Master -
      none that work
    1. Kaiser4356's Avatar
      Kaiser4356 -
      The people who created that English patch will work on a new one when open beta comes out. Due to this only being a 2 day pre-beta, they decided not to bother trying to make a patch for that. When game goes live on 21st, wait a few days and one will be available
    1. HsBlaze's Avatar
      HsBlaze -
      that good to hear i just downloaded the beta too. T-T to bad i miss the pre-open.
    1. NitroPenguinz's Avatar
      NitroPenguinz -
      yep, we will all accumulate on ship 2
    1. PSU Phere's Avatar
      PSU Phere -
      k..... i think i figured it out.... now how do i change it to english? >< lmfao
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